Stomach Cancer - how to boost low immunity

  • 14 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi, my husband  has been diagnosed with stomach cancer which is incurable. He has had one cycle of chemotherapy. His second round was meant to be tomorrow but he’s had a call to say his bloods are showing a low blood count so it’s having to be delayed. Can anyone advise how to increase his immunity? He is well in himself, best he’s been in months actually. He’s 43 years old and otherwise fit and healthy. Thank you. 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your husband and his diagnosis.  It’s quite common for chemo to be delayed due to low blood count. It just takes time for your body to recover.  Rest and a gentle walk every day helped me to recover. 
    I ate high protein foods too to boost energy levels - eggs, cheese etc.  Eating little and often worked for me.

    Hopefully he will be well enough to get the next dose at the next hospital visit!

    Wishing him all the best!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you, it’s reassuring that this is quite normal. I’ve told him to up his protein and lots of rest. Hoping it helps. Thanks again Jac. 

  • Hi ,

    I went through this myself and I may be able to suggest a few things. Happy to help.


    Stomach cancer survivor
    There is always hope, you just need to open your eyes and heart Slight smile
  • Thank you Debra, that would be appreciated. 

  • Unfortunately chemo delayed by another week as neutrophils still too low! 

  • Sorry to hear this! It must be really hard for you both.  I remember chemo being delayed and it was such a disappointment and stressful!  Have they given you any advice?


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thanks Jac, not been given any advice on how to increase it, just to be careful in case of infection. You’re right, it is so stressful. I feel there must be something they could do to help. Just hope this time next week he will have had his 2nd dose x 

  • Yes fingers crossed. It may be worth asking if they will reduce the dose.  I remember how ill I was with the first dose and the consultant said it’s a balance and they want to ensure you complete the course. 
    It can be very effective - the chemo resulted in me having a clear pathology after the surgery.   
    I wrote a Blog and you can read it if you click on my name 

    I will send you a friend request so you can PM me if that would help 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • i need to be positive for all our sakes. His is palliative chemotherapy so I just hope they will do all they can to let him continue with treatment. Hopefully his bloods will recover and we can then ask about reducing the dose or having the injections. I really appreciate you responding to my post, thank you. I will keep you posted x 

  • Hi, great news! My husband’s neutrophils have increased enough to have chemo! They said they’ll give him the injections to take home so hopefully that will help. X