New diagnosis of stomach cancer

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  • 22 subscribers

I don’t even know where to begin, I’m Kirsty age 45 and I was diagnosed with T4NXM1 stomach cancer in September 2024. My stomach perforated and ended up in A&E having surgery where they took biopsies and a week later was told I had cancer. 

I started having symptoms of fullness and reflux in the June but just kept shrugging it off until it got to August when I was noticing water not going down very well, also noticed my Clothes where starting to get baggy. Took myself to the doctor who tested me for h pylori which came back positive.

They started me on a course of antibiotics and a 3 week follow up consultation, the antibiotics didn’t help very much. They then proceeded to prescribe me a second course but my stomach perforated before I got to start them. 

I have had 5 rounds of folfox, 3 of those included immunotherapy but that had to be stopped as it caused issues with my kidneys resulting in a two week hospital stay with nephritis. I have a scan in two weeks time but feel so nervous to what it will show. 

  • Sending love and strength x

  • Bless you Kirsty. Sending a big hug.  It's a pity that you can't have your scan sooner as that would take some of your anxiety away. Is there any way you could ask for a cancellation appointment on the day.  I only say this as my husband was having chemotherapy in the morning and I managed to get him in for a scan in the afternoon by phoning the hospital. It's a practical measure that's worth pursuing. 

  • Hi, I’m sorry to hear your news, it’s a difficult journey for you, everyone here will show their support, love and hugs x

  • It's such a shock to the system. Here with you sending strength. Heart️