Paclitaxel use in palliative chemo

  • 4 replies
  • 21 subscribers

My husband has just started weekly treatment with Paclitaxel for 3 mths . This is his second line of treatment, the first treatment with a different drug last year, didn’t work. 
 Anyone with any experience with this drug ? He has already lost a lot of weight and can only manage liquids. After starting last week, he is very tired and has odd pain twinges.

  • I’m sorry to hear about your dad. I think the treatment has been mentioned on this group in the past so you could put it into the Search to see what comes up. 
    I hope it helps your dad and makes him feel a bit better. 
    Take care x


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi.

    I'm also on weekly palliative Paclitaxel.

    I've been on it for just over a year.

    I was initially to receive 8 cycles but kicked up a fuss when they were going to stop it and I'm now entering into cycle 15.

    I do tolerate it quite well.

    Is it possible they can lower his dose and see how he gets on?

  • My husband was to have it weekly for 3 months, is that a cycle? Do you have a break between cycles.? 
      He had to miss this week’s treatment because something in his blood test was too low, and next week they don’t have room for him in the unit Frowning2️. 
      We see the consultant today so hopefully he can reassure us Fingers crossed

  • I have it weekly for 3 weeks and then have 1 week off. So the 3 rounds I have is one whole cycle, then 1 week off and then the next cycle starts again.

    I hope that makes sense. 

    There have been a couple of times when my chemo has been paused for a week, usually because I've had a virus or needed dental treatment.

    I do get fatigue and some pain twinges but apart from that, I am living relatively normal.

    Are they not giving  him chemo next week because they don't have room for him in the Oncology unit?

    Do you mind me asking where you are based?

    I would not tolerate them not giving me my chemo for a reason like that.

    I would insist on them making room.

    I would discuss with his Oncologist regarding him not feeling well after chemo and his blood test results.

    • Sometimes adjusting the dose can make a difference.