Post op chemo

  • 11 replies
  • 23 subscribers

I am now 3 months since my stomach was removed.  The plan was for phase 2 of FLOT chemo about 6 weeks post op.  But with various issues my oncologist said my body was not strong enough for chemo.  It has been agreed I am about strong enough for chemo but is it worth it as I was told the chemo had to be completed or at least in progress within 3 months of the operation to be effective.  Has anyone any knowledge of this?

 Best Wishes


  • Hi, I had my post op chemo, not sure if it made any difference as the pre op chemo had very little if any affect on the tumour, sorry I’m not able to answer your question, I hope things go alright for you, good luck 


  • Thank you Jayne.  It was a similar position for me and my pre-op chemo.  I had bad side effects which is one of the reasons why I am thinking about the post op chemo.

    Good luck for your long term recovery


  • I’m now 6 months post op, I’ve got some discomfort at the point of the top incision but they think it’s scar tissue, they weren’t planning any more scans so I’m pleased to be on the clinical trial for the next 3 years, Take care and I hope you have a good recovery too, 


  • I think Peter was in a similar story? Can’t recall his handle to tag him, sorry.  

      - that might be him. :) 

  • Hi all, i didn’t have the post op chemo as they said my first chemo was very effective and the margins after surgery were good and lymph nodes removed were cancer free. I was a bit worried about not having the second chemo but they said that it would probably cause irreparable damage due to the neuropathy. 

    Im on the clinical trial as well, scans for 3 years and annual endoscopy.

    I’ve posted my story on linked in under my name peter drinnan which you're free to have a look at. Im a massive believer in regaining fitness, especially doing weights and mobility and lots of walking.  

    good luck to you all.


  • Hi David,

    what was your pathology like after surgery? That would be my deciding factor.

    post op chemo is very very tough, I’m 2 cycles in and I am struggling a lot!

  • Thank you very much Pete, a useful answer and I will look at your blog. 

    My first chemo was not too effective and cancer was found in 30 nodes of the 130 taken.  However my consultant said he was confident he had taken all the cancer.  I still have problems with neuropathy in my hands from  the first chemo and my oncologist was not sure if this would go within a few months, a few years or never.

    I am slowly improving my fitness and strength.  

    Best Wishes


  • You had 130 lymph nodes removed?! Wow that is ALOT. 
    I suppose if it wasn’t very effective then there isn’t much point continuing! 

  • Thank you for your replies. 

    I was surprised by this.  130 nodes taken of which 31 were cancerous.  My consultant said he wanted a wide margin to ensure he took all of the cancer.  He thinks I should still continue with chemo in case there are a few cancer cells still lurking.  

    I am unsure about post op chemo due to the potential side effects and how effective it will be especially as it is more than 3 months after my op.  

    Best Wishes


  • It’s a tough decision. Did they say how effective it was they normally score it on the mandard scale from 1-5? I will say that post op chemo is very tough and I’ve been close to quitting a few times. I think you should go with what the surgeon recommends and if they think it’s best then maybe go for the chemo and see how you are after 1 dose? You can always stop if it’s too much to handle!