Was anyone with signet ring cell carcinoma’s diagnosis delayed because the drs just couldn’t locate it? How did they find it? Was it missed initially? How long did it take to diagnose?
thank you
Hi I had signet ring cell carcinoma which was diagnosed very early. It was a small white patch which was seen during an endoscopy. It was sent for a biopsy. I then had a laparoscopy and the diagnosis was confirmed and I was told it was signet ring cell carcinoma.
I am not sure why the doctors wouldn’t be able to locate it?
Have you got a treatment plan yet?
Hi Jac,
thanks for your reply. I have had dark rectal bleeding several times over the last year, more recently soreness in middle of stomach around tummy button. I’m now having balance issues, headache, nausea, limb weakness which I worry is a spread to spinal fluid. I have had episodes of chest tightness.
Ferritin extremely low and bilarubin rising. Weight loss and often diarrhoea. No CT or PET scan has picked up anything. Recent endoscopy and colonoscopy clear. My health continues to deteriorate. I had read that signet cell often fails to show on scans and may start in stomach wall so may be difficult to detect?
Perhaps not always as in your case?
mine was picked up as I had a tiny red dot inside my stomach which was biopsied and came back as SRC adenocarcinoma. Mine showed as a slight thickening on CT at the bottom of the stomach.
I have heard of others who have had completely normal CT scans though!
have you had an endoscopy?
Endoscopy and colonoscopy. Time is ticking by and still no diagnosis. Due to see a private GI Monday to see where we go from here. Beside myself as bleeding has been at least a year although very intermittent. I don’t have any problems eating. No reflux other than a bad bought a few months ago. So worried particularly the weakness in my limbs now.
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