Digestion and Bile problems.

  • 6 replies
  • 20 subscribers

I am now 6 weeks post surgery ( total gastrectomy) with chest infection and salmonella ( caught in hospital) complicating matters a week after. 

I have put on a small amount of weight but need more.  I have significant digestion problems with indigestion, hiccups and bile reflux.  This hinders my eating.  My consultant is reluctant for any medication apart from Gaviscon.  He believes there will be long-term natural  improvement. 

Has anyone had similar problems and how were they treated? 

 Best Wishes


  • Hi David, I am still getting bile reflux even though I’m still prescribed 20mg omeprazole once a day, I take a Rennie if it occurs later in the day. Hopefully it will get easier over time x

  • Hi, thanks for your response.  My consultant said no to omeprazole but gaviscon should help.  I will try Rennie as well.  Hopefully we will both improve over the next few weeks.  

    Best Wishes


  • It makes sense, to be honest. Why take proton pump inhibitors if the body doesn’t have proton pump anymore. Hopefully you see the improvements! 

  • Thank you, I just hope it improves soon as on some days it is difficult to cope with. 

    Best Wishes


  • Hi David,

    Gaviscon is unlikely to help in that it neutralises stomach acid, but your reflux is from bile. My dad takes cholestyramine, aka questran lite, which is a bile sequestrant. He swears by it. If your consultant isn't aware of this, you could mention it to them, but you might also try your GP for a prescription if they're resistant? Hope it helps.

    Knowledge makes us stronger. Research, question, share and demand more from your doctors. Read my profile for my dad's stage IV story.

  • Thank you for this which is something I will look into tomorrow and speak to my consultant and / or GP

    Best Wishes
