Stomach cancer inoperable

  • 10 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hello!! Sorry to all that needed to join this group! My dad is 87 & recently diagnosed with stomach cancer. He has been told surgery would be to dangerous for him. Therefore chemo is what they are offering! Is this palliative care? Any help, advise would be much appreciated xx

  • Hi TinaT welcome to the forum.  Im not sure what it means but I think if it had been Palliative Care then they would have said that to you and your Dad. Chemo can often shrink tumours and maybe this is what they are trying to do. Is Dad ok with you taking with them because you could as to speak to the team and get more information but only if your Dad is agreeable to that.     


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  • Hi thank you so much for your reply. That is good to hear so hopefully yes. Think my dad is trying to protect me but will see what happens x

  • Hi, sorry to hear about your dad, I would also get your dad to agree for you to ask questions about his treatment if he hasn’t already done so, it would be useful for all of you to be clear on what they are expecting to see happen with the chemotherapy, for me I would also ask about what will happen if their expectations are not met. Have you been given a reason as to why they won’t operate, I would give things some thought and write down anything you aren’t clear on before contacting the consultant or clinical nurse specialist. It helps to be fully informed when processing the information, 

  • Thank you. My mum went with him to the initial meeting as I was out of the country. TBH my mum or dad didn't ask too many questions as I think they are scared of the answers! My dad is very positive. He has no stomach pain just feels sick & lost weight, gets full after a small amount of food. Initial plan was chemo surgery the chemo. Dad phoned me today & said change of plan they phoned him said too risky to operate. Maybe his age? Also the mcmillian nurse phoned today. Is that normal? X

  • I would suggest that you all have the conversation and all agree what you need to ask, It may be that your dad has other health issues that are preventing the surgery, it can be normal for a advanced nurse practitioner or other professional to be in contact. 
    If you and your parents agree then as I  said; if it was me I would want some clarification on treatment plan and why surgery is not possible. I think that your dad should be fully informed about his treatment and the reasons as to how these decisions have been made.

  • Yes agreed. My dad has no other health issues. He is a very fit man for 87 

  • I am 68 ,I was diagnosed with stomach cancer in June,  my consultant said it was incurable  and inoperable,  as it had spread  to my peretonium and it was a major operation , I am at present on chemo and immunotherapy,  I am hoping that that works well enough so perhaps they may change their minds if possible ...until that time all I can do is keep my fingers crossed

  • Good luck, I hope you get the answers to your questions 

  • So sorry to hear that, everything crossed for you x

  • I think you should try to talk to someone, with the list of questions in mind. If there isn’t another appointment soon, try to get in touch with the cancer nurse, they usually respond to messages. 
    The decision is based on risk factors of which age is obviously one. If your dad didn’t ask too many questions and didn’t advocate for himself, maybe they didn’t take into account that he is 
    a) unusually fit for his age
    b) actually wants the operation.