Stitch/suture granuloma

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Anyone had it? Was your surgeon interested? My husband’s surgeon says “go to your GP”, which is so strange to me after reading about this condition. Seems surgery related, so why wouldn’t he take the lead in treating it.

  • Hi, sorry I haven’t heard of this, seems to be a reaction to the stitches which can be treated.

    hope it doesn’t last too long or cause any further problems x

  • Sorry this has happened but easily managed by your GP. GP might cauterise the granuloma. My husband had a similar thing, when it didn’t respond to antibiotics, GP cauterised it and it resolved. 

  • GP had one look at it, said “you don’t want me to try” and sent him to A&E. Don’t know whether it’s Joy or Scream