Eating after Gastronomy

  • 6 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Following my total gastronomy I returned a week later to hospital with a chest infection.  This cleared but I then contracted food poisoning so I was in hospital for 2 weeks.  The hospital was negligent in part of  my care and I have lost too much weight  ( 12k from 73k) and I  need to start building up.  I have been put on tube feeding at home with flocare intravenous nutrition to help. 

Any suggestions as to what I should be eating on a soft food diet apart from eggs, yogurt, mashed potato? 



  • Hi David, you’ve certainly been through a lot, I hope recovery will now start to get easier for you. Could you try home made rice pudding made with full fat milk and cream, cheesy mash, corned beef in mashed potato with plenty of gravy, banana smoothies made with cream and full fat milk, it’s really hard when you’re on a soft diet as it’s easy to get fed up of the same thing 

    Best of luck Jayne x

  • Sorry about the typos, not fully with it yet! 

  • Thanks Jayne, these are great ideas.  My wife is off shopping soon so some items to add to the list. 

    Best Wishes


  • Hi David,

    So sorry to hear this. What worked for my husband in early weeks:

    - make some broth (chicken or bone broth, whatever is simpler for your wife). Take the liquid and use Nutribullet or another strong food processor to mix it with whatever protein you like: the chicken from cooking that broth, fried bacon, grated cheese). Nubribullet turned it into an absolutely smooth thick mix, the calorific value per volume is great. 

    - poached fish mixed with thick youghurt

    - fortified milk 

  • Thank you, some good ideas, the poached fish with yoghurt sounds best.  

  • Findlater’s have a very decent pate, made with salmon or mackerel, but it might be too thick if you are just starting on soft foods. So either make from scratch, or dilute it with some extra yoghurt.