Stomach removal

  • 56 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I have just finished my flot chemo which became difficult.  The drugs were changed for the 4th cycle to try and ensure my body did not react so badly.  I had a CT scan last week but I have not seen the results. 

My consultant is proposing total stomach removal in 2 weeks time ( 4 weeks after my last chemo session)  which I am  surprised about as I thought there needed to be time for my body to recover from chemo.  I am still weak and have side effects.  We are meeting in a week to discuss.  Any views and, if applicable, how long was your gap between end of chemo and surgery? 

  • Hi, I had my last FLOT on 15th March and surgery on 24th April, to be honest I was happy to get a date through quickly as it didn’t give the tumour time to grow and I just wanted it to be gone.

    sorry chemo was difficult for you but take each day as it comes and focus on the long term plan to be clear of cancer 

    good luck x

  • My husband had 6 weeks gap (last chemo 23/05, operation 5/07), which seems more typical. Could your consultant be thinking about a surgeon schedule or something like that? 

  • Hope recovery is going well x

  • Thanks! Apparently he is doing as well as could be expected, the big day is tomorrow - they’ll a CT scan to see that everything inside is looking fine, and hopefully the nose tube will go out and he’ll be able to drink some water. That’s his biggest source of discomfort at the moment. For some reason I expected water 24h later, not on day 4! Scream

  • Thank you for your quick reply.  I am worried that my body won't be ready for a big operation and with low immunity I could get an infection.  I agree its good to get the tumor out but it seems to be slow growing and as it was found over 5 months ago there had not been much urgency up to now.

    At the moment I am concentrating on building up my strength after chemo.  

    Best Wishes 



  • Thank you for your quick reply.  My thoughts are similar to yours and they are looking at availability or even achieving targets.  We are meeting my 'team' next Monday so I will be asking questions especially why the short gap between chemo and surgery.  

    Best Wishes


  • BTW, they’ll do blood tests and if you show low iron, or low immunity they’ll suggest another week or two, I am sure. 

  • 4-6 weeks is normally the window! But if you’re not feeling 100% then ask for a couple of weeks rest! 

  • Thanks, I thought it was 6 to 8 weeks.  I meet with my consultant / surgeon on Mon to discuss. I understand from my oncologist that the planned op date was 8th Aug but has been brought forward as a 'slot' was available.  

    Hope your treatment is progressing well. 

    Best Wishes, David 

  • Thanks David! What date is your op? Mine is 29th July