Stomach cancer spread to Lymph nodes

  • 6 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Mum was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer in October and recently has had severe throat pain, she’s struggling to eat , brush her teeth , moving her tongue even hurts it’s just got worse and worse . Went to doctors today she’s certain the cancer has spread and said her lymph nodes in neck are huge and likely to be a cancer mass and that’s why she’s got bad throat pain. Mum’s on every pain killer imaginable including slow release OxyCodone and the oral version too but nothing is touching the sides , does anyone else have such bad sore throat with lymph cancer in neck and what can we do to help??Mums hungry but struggling to eat anything and in 24/7 pain it’s awful! Doctor can only up pain meds nothing else she can do she said! Also what’s the life expectancy now mums cancer has spread to lymph nodes I need to know for my piece of mind and to look after mum as she’s only got me , she was giving 3/6 months in October but has gone further than this without symptoms except throat pain so still all feeling normal expect for the awful throat problem!  thank you 

  • Hi, I’m sorry to read your post, I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you and your mum, have you tried calling the clinical advice line, just wanted to let you know that people do care x

  • Thank you no we havnt, mums seeing the palliative nurses on Friday to discuss upping pain meds further and see what else they can help with, it’s just awful watching her starve when she’s hungry 

  • I think I would try and get some more advice, here’s the number if you need it x

    You can call the Macmillan Support Line for free on 0808 808 00 00, 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Advisers can provide emotional and practical support and information.  

  • Thank you that’s helpful x

  • This is so hard for you ! To see someone you love suffer is just unimaginable!  I hope the palliative care team can help, but I know from others that a hospice can bring a great deal of comfort and relief.  So it may be worth contacting Marie Curie Care to see if they can help.  All you can do is surround your mum with love and push to get her the care she needs. 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you our local hospice have made themselves known to mum . She doesn’t want to go near there at the moment she says. She’s actually well and feels well and can do everything apart from horrendous throat pain that’s what’s so awful!