Scan results

  • 3 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi all,looking for a little information.I have just finished six cycles of Docetaxel yesterday which is being used as second line treatment.I have had my scan after four cycles which showed tumour in stomach has remained stable, and a marked improvement of the swelling on the bowel and nodules on the peritoneal.I can have another two cycles if I want but have been told that the side effects might outweigh the benefits or I could have more shrinkage.I will be having a break either now or after the eighth cycle.I have been told when the cancer starts growing again I won’t be going back on this treatment,it will be a different chemo that will be used.So I am wondering has anyone been in this situation,and what did you do. Thank you for any answers 

  • Hi  

    I haven't been in your situation with having to choose whether to stop treatment or not but I noticed that your post hadn't any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list.

    Hopefully some of the forum members will be able to share their experiences with you.

    Best wishes for whatever you decide to do.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi there,

    It's such a personal decision on whether to keep going with all the chemo you are able to have, or not.Ultimately only you can decide what feels right for you. Things like how you've been managing with side effects and how they affect your quality of life do matter. On the other hand, the chemo has had an effect and you have two more cycles in hand, this might be a chance to knock things back more.

    In my dad's case, he had the option to not do his final 4 x folfox but he wanted to take every bit of treatment he could have. He didn't suffer from many side effects though. It really is a personal decision.

    Wishing you all the best in your decision and let us know what you decide,

    SDH x

    Knowledge makes us stronger. Research, question, share and demand more from your doctors. Read my profile for my dad's stage IV story.

  • Thank you for your reply.I have a meeting with my oncologist on Monday the 26th when I will decide whether to do the extra 2 cycles.I will post my decision.I have read your profile what a wonderful story about your dad.I hope he is keeping well