In total shock and devastated

  • 4 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi all, my Husband was diagnosed with Prostate cancer 11 months ago and finished his radiotherapy in October, being given the news in November that the treatment was successful. 

He's been struggling to eat and we assumed was due to his treatment. A few weeks back he started getting stomach pain and felt food (especially bread) was getting stuck going down. He went to the gp who referred for endoscopy but felt it wasn't related to the PC.

He went for his endoscopy and we were both relaxed and felt it would show ulcers from all the meds he's been on. Unfortunately we were called in straight afterwards to be told he has stomach cancer at the join from oesophagus! I asked if it was definitely cancer and the reply was that yes it is and has been there for a long time. He has a donut shaped tumour and that's why he's been struggling. 

It's completely floored us and we're still totally in shock. They took biopsies and today he had a CT scan with contrast.

I'm absolutely terrified that she said it's been there a long time that it will be the worst results and will be untreatable. 

Has anyone been in this position? We now have to wait 2 to 3 weeks for results Tired face 

  • I am so sorry to hear about your husband and can only imagine how shocked and devastated you are, especially as he had just completed treatment for Prostate Cancer.  Until the Medical Team have done all the tests, they won’t have all the information to determine a treatment plan.  There’s a difference between incurable but treatable which can improve symptoms and stop further spread. 

    Others on this group have incurable cancer and are having treatment .    Do hold on to the hope that many people live with incurable cancer!   It’s a lot to cope with so do reach out to MacMillan or a Maggie’s group if you have one.  
    I hope you get positive news soon! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • So sorry to hear your news, the waiting for results seems like such a long time, thinking of you and sending love 

  • Hi Jaster and so sorry you find your self here, it’s definitely very scary at first but does get better when you know what treatment your husband will be having. It also takes time for them to decide on the right treatment for him. 

    They said my husbands had been there some time ( he didn’t have any symptoms though, only found on a CT scan for something else) his also was in the join of the Osophagus in which case they take all the stomach and a bit of osophagus (to get clear margins) that was a year ago this month, he also had a PET scan that was more waiting time, apart from trying to keep the weight on he’s doing absolutely fine. He didn’t have chemo though because of his age 80, came out of Notts hospital on the 7th day. He was stage 3, had 22 lymph nodes clear and no spread.  
    Good luck to you both xxx

    Sue Xx
  • Hi all, thank you so much for taking the time to reply. We still can't get our heads around it but very comforting to read your replies. I will update when we hear more. Best wishes to you all x