Oxaliplatin side effects from the cold

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi wondering if anyone can help . After 4 rounds of capox  ( daily capecitabine tablets and 3 week cycle for oxaliplatin infusions ) I have had  side effects from the oxaliplatin where I struggle with the cold . Including  throat spasms and tingling in hands and feet .

This extreme cold weather is really affecting my symptoms    . Its coming up to Christmas and given my limited time,  (palliative chemo) .i want to enjoy to the Christmas to the maximum. 

I am due my next infusion for oxaliplatin on the 15th December.  I am wanting to ask the chemo consultant if I can delay until after the Christmas season and restart on the 5th Jam.  Has anyone else skipped an on infusion? 

Is it OK to do this,  hoping a gap of 3 weeks won't  be too much of an issue 

  • Hi, the only time I skipped one was when my platelets were low… after my 3rd round (FLOT) my oxaliplatin was reduced slightly as my hands, feet and pins and needles in my legs were lasting to long between courses… I would wear cotton gloves in the house to handle things… door knobs, taps, cutlery etc… it isn’t a nice experience neuropathy… speak to your oncologist. When I started chemo it was on December 22nd and I asked for a weeks delay but they refused as they told me it was urgent that I get it started… Christmas wasn’t pleasant in 2021… but I stayed positive for the family to enjoy themselves… 

    Take care. 

  • Dear quirky lady

    I’m really sorry that you’re struggling with oxaliplatin- my mum also still struggles with this. There are lots of recommendations for hands and feet with hand warmers and I think there are even warm patches/ adhesive patches maybe that you can apply on your throat if I’m not mistaken. My mum has certainly had chemo delayed for that length of time when side effects were too bad- but I think it’s best to ask the oncologist as they’re the experts. I’m wishing you a merry Christmas and hope you’re taking care xx