Constipation - any help appreciated

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Morning all 

After 3 lots of chemotheray and low fibre  diet  combined with  a high fat diet ( to maintain healthy weight )   I  am constipated . I have been taking dulcoease and drinking water and prune juice, and they have both worked until last week.  I know need something else  

So what's best? 

Confused as different types of laxatives  . Do laxatives soften the poop that's already bunked up ? 

Also has anyone used a suppository  as it looks like that can cause other issues 

  • Hi  

    Fortunately I've never suffered from constipation but I would imagine it's very unpleasant. When I was having chemo, for a different type of cancer, I had a chemo helpline number to ring if I experienced any side effects. Do you have anything like this, as I would imagine constipation is quite a common side effect?

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  • Thanks for reply.  I have created a profile and an update of my current status