Second opinion

  • 6 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Good morning after having a stomach removal surgery for a cancer tumour in June 2022. Unfortunately my cancer has returned in my peritoneum. This has been said to me as a terminal situation. I have thought about a second opinion from a specialist cancer hospital and I wondered if anybody had done this and how you go about it many thanks for your time Jock 

  • Jock

    So sorry to hear that the cancer has returned.  I know that a couple of other people in this group have sought a second opinion.  Hopefully they will post soon to give you more information.  You could ask Macmillan using their helpline how you go about it.  The other option is to try a search using the icon at the top of the page.

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Jock 

    I am really very sorry to read your post, I hope you’re doing ok and taking care and I’m sending you my best wishes. We got a second opinion for my mum from the Royal Marsden. You can just go on their website and request it. I’m also aware that you can get one at the London clinic- if you look it up you should be able to find it online. Let me know if you need any more help or have any difficulties 

  • Hi can I just ask do you actually have to goto the royal marsden for meetings etc when you request a 2nd opinion or do they just view your notes ?

  • dear BlondieX

    i believe you have to see them when they request consultations- this is (I assume) so they can grade how you’re doing wellness/ performance status wise before they recommend treatment, as they assess who can tolerate harsh/ less harsh chemotherapy or treatment options and they can’t do that without a face to face appointment. Hope that helps xx

  • Thank you , mum won’t travel far so it’s hard Pensive