
  • 7 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hello everybody 

On my last thread I discussed having eating problems and then being sent for an endoscopy. I was told at the time that is was cancer .

Since then I have a CT scan and had been waiting for the full diagnosis and consultation.

Well today was the day. I received a call at 11am today inviting me to meet with my consultant at the  Welsley Hospital Edinburgh. I was told I had cancer and that it was inoperable due to cancer spreading to all my lymph nodes and a operation would not be suitable treatment for me .

They took bloods which where to be used to sort out a treatment with chemo . I have an appointment next week on the 20/9 to discuss my future treatment and then starting a full programme of chemo.

I am a fully fit 65 yr old and trying to understand what my future holds for me . The way I see it they will extend my life but for how long ? Who knows . Interestingly they would not give me a name or grade even though I asked perhaps they felt it would not help me to know.

  • David I’m so, so sorry you didn’t get better news today, I don’t know enough about stomach cancer as my husbands not long been on this journey but just wanted to send you a hug. I’m sure more knowledgeable people will be along soon to give you some advice. Take care and keep on keeping on Xx

    Sue Xx
  • David

    I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You must be in a state of shock and it is difficult to come to terms with such devastating news for you and your family.

    It may be worth exploring a second opinion given your age and the fact you are otherwise fit.  There are others in this group who have sought a second opinion and been offered surgery, despite it not being an option initially.  Are you in Scotland, I have not heard of the Wesley Hospital in Edinburgh?  Certainly others have sought a consultation with Dr Asif Chaudry or Professor George Hanna in London.  
    Chemo can shrink a tumour and immunotherapy is also given as treatment for advanced stomach cancer.  

    It would also be useful to contact a Maggie’s Centre if there is one near you. They give great support to all those affiliated by cancer.

    Do use this group and hopefully others in the same situation will be along to help .


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Sorry I misspelt the name it's the Welsley Hospital Edinburgh .

    Thank you for your comment 

  • I am obviously in shock 

    The hospital is the Western General 

  • Dear David I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis but please don’t give up. I was fortunate to have private medical health insurance and in January this year I had a Total Gastrectomy. As I recall all but one of my lymph nodes were infected and I also had an isolated peritoneal deposit which was removed when I had my first Laparoscopy. I had chemo and Immunotherapy comprising 6 sessions before and six after my operation. I had my last scans 2 weeks ago and I’m pleased to report that these were clear.

    I am 64 years old and like you very fit. Please try and get a second opinion because there is always hope.

    Kind regards 

  • Hi Tony

    Thank you for your encouraging comments and I am very happy for your great being Cancer free.

    For me private care is not an option unfortunately but I do have faith in our wonderful HS . I will be having a conversation with my GP and Hospital next Wednesday concerning a Gastrectomy and surgery in general.

    I think having a second opinion is important but I must weigh up the time it will take to organise a referral and the distance to travel for treatment.

    I would like to thank you again for your comment and your continued good health 

  • Hi Tony

    Is it okay if I ask you who was your surgeon? I am trying to look for someone who can give me a second opinion other than those that have been mentioned her such as Prof Hanna and Mr. Asif Chaudry.

    Thank you.