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  • 21 subscribers

My total gastrectomy is due 2 weeks tomorrow (Oct 7th) so I’m starting to become very apprehensive, surgeon also mentioned having a jejunostomy; anybody else have this? What were your experiences? Even though it’s a relatively small thing compared to the TG itself, I’m as worried about this as anything else...

  • FormerMember

    Hello I have had a jej for 9 weeks feeding me 1500 calories a night. Due to the cancer blocking my stomach. 

  • Hi - I had one put in as well. Had to use it for nearly 8 months , started with 1500 calories a day , then slowly reduced to alternate days. It worked fine at first then I had problems with getting links in my bowels which wouldn't allow the feed to go through. I was using it at night but the bowel blockages meant I had to use it during the day - this restricted my movements a little bit. I managed to move around at home but couldn't get out easily.

    It did help me put in weight and gives you all the vitamins etc. that you need. Also counts towards your 2 litres fluid a day. But I was really glad to be rid of it !