My 84 year old father's cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 20 subscribers

My father, aged 84, has just been diagnosed with stomach cancer.  He has lost 3 stone in a year and is now barely 9 stone. Despite taking anti-emetics, he vomits around 30 mins after each very modest meal.  His dietician suggested increasing diary in his diet but this exacerbated the problem.  he refuses to take Ensures.  Has anyone any suggestions as to how the vomiting can be abated and we can build him up? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jane

    sorry to hear about your dad. Is he on treatment? Is there a blockage they’re looking in to? 

    Ive no real experience on what to do in this case so hope someone can help. After I had my stomach removed some smoothies were ok, avocado and banana with coconut milk and a bit of honey is quite calorific. 

    Hope you find some answers soon x