Mark on nose

  • 1 reply
  • 31 subscribers

Hi all

I wouldn’t describe it as a spot as such, but I’ve noticed in the last 2wks after buying a new concealer and using it under the eye lids area that there’s a tiny mark on my nose where the make up clogs and it highlights this mark. You can see it a lot easier when I’ve got make up on, when I don’t it’s more white scar like appearance. Dr Google suggested BCC can look scar like so I wondered if anyone else had noticed a strange mark like this and if it was a BCC. I will obviously make an appointment with the GP next week once open again. It’s very small, I’ve tried to measure and i’d say 3-4mm. 

Thanks everyone 

  • Hi ,

    I'm really glad you're going to make an appointment to see a GP. Consulting with 'Doctor Google' so often risks feeding our worst fears (although we've all done it). Seeking opinions from other members online is similarly fraught with guesswork. It's definitely best to get some peace of mind by getting it checked out by a qualified professional.

    I know you're probably keen to get some reassurance as soon as possible, so if you'd like to speak to one of Macmillan's qualified Cancer Information Nurse Specialist while waiting for your GP appointment, please do get in touch. They won't be able to provide you with a diagnosis, but they can answer questions around any concerns you have.

    To speak to our nurse team on the phone, you can call our main Macmillan Support Line on freephone 0808 808 00 00. The Support Line is open from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Just select the option to speak to one of our Cancer Information Nurse Specialists, and you will be connected as soon as the next one is available. You can also reach them by email or live webchat.

    Alternatively, you can head over to our dedicated Ask a Nurse forum to ask your question. The forum group is open from Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays), and you can post your question by clicking the ‘+ New’ button in the top-right corner of the page. Once you have posted your question, a qualified Macmillan professional will respond within 1-3 working days.

    All the best,
    Macmillan Online Community Team