Feeling strange after cancer surgery

  • 5 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I had surgery in August for skin cancer at my genital perineal area in August and got the all clear at end of November . I’ve still to get 3 monthly check ups for two years and then 6 monthly check ups for the following 3 years .  I don’t know how to describe how I feel really , prior to surgery I had so many people sending love , my husband and family were amazing and now no one seems to care . It’s like it never really happened , Im definitely not wanting people fawning over me but I just feel strange now . No one ever mentions it at all now. I’m so lucky that I’ve came through this and I’m eternally thankful that I have good friends and a great family . Has anyone else feel like this before . It’s the weirdest feeling . I would love to know how other survivors felt after surgery and the all clear . Thanks for reading 

  • Hi GG58.

    I'm not a survivor myself but that partner of someone who has had the year from Hell! Stage 4 liver cancer with bowel being the primary site. 8 gruelling rounds of chemo and a major operation in November and she's been told that she now has clear margins. Same as you, she's gone from lots of concer and worry from people to it seemingly going back to normal for them. She's back to caring for her parents, back to work and babysitting once a week. It is really odd. You'd think she'd be overjoyed and, whilst incredibly grateful, it has left her (and me) with an odd sensation. For my part, I just try to remind people what she's been through (as gently as I can) and that she finds it difficult to say no to requests for help etc. So far so good!

    1. Hi PS67 thank you for your reply , sounds very similar to myself as with your partner . I’m back to babysitting my 4 year old granddaughter which I love but sometimes I’m just very tired but can’t say No . Sometimes it doesn’t seem that I’ve been through surgery and treatment . I’m definitely not wanting to be treated with kid gloves but just for people just to remember that it takes a long while to fully recover . I’m very lucky to be here to tell my story and this forum have been extremely helpful so I’ve got dsome much to be grateful for . I think at the moment I’m just having a wee wobble and the horrible weather doesn’t help . Pass on my best wishes to you and your partner . Everyone’s opinions are valid x
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