MOHs surgery on nose

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

I had MOHs surgery on my nose at Guys last week. I had a nose flap. Yesterday I went back to have the pressure dressing and stitches removed. It had been a difficult and painful week 
as usual they were so busy and a new nurse did it. They took pics and said it was a good job and well done and sent me away with no follow up and just put Vaseline on twice a day.

Ny face and nose are a complete mess and I am in shock. I don’t look like me anymore, even allowing for the bruising and swelling which could take months to go away.

i think my husband and other friends think I am just lucky to have a curable cancer and think of others worse off etc, so I feel even more guilty for feeling so upset and abandoned. 

  • Sorry to read your story.  I know exactly how you feel going through two bcc skin cancers two years ago on my face.  Please be reassured it is very early days yet.  Mine we both nasty ones, but I did have follow up appointments with my Consultant, 2 on the rather nasty one to make sure I was happy with the result.  They are hardly visible now, although I can still see them, but with make up people say they cant see them at all.  I massaged loads of times every day with bio oil once the scabs etc had healed and I am sure this helped.  I am very cautious now in the sun and use Factor 50 all the time.  Here anytime you want reassurance as people really dont understand what we go through with these cancers.  Yes they are curable, but the journey is still not nice.  Good Luck and a Happy Christmas to you xx

  • Thanks so much for your helpful advice and reassurance. I also responded on your post on another thread. Still learning to navigate this very supportive forum.

    Acceptance of the change and acknowledging feelings is part of the journey. I have now contacted the team at Guys and told them how I feel, and they have put some advice and a follow up for me. 

    Factor 50 will be a big part of my daily routine as will make up once I feel ready to go out socially. In the meantime some rest and TLC until the bruising goes and the wound heals a bit better. 

    I have to learn to love my wonky unsymmetrical nose. 