Healing after excision

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  • 17 subscribers

Hi! I had a probable BCC removed 5 days ago. Doctor said borders looked quite clear so only took 1mm margin… bit of a gamble but was happy to follow doctor’s advice. Five days later, I’m wondering if the redness and swelling I’ve got are normal. Stitches due to come out in two days but, if it’s looking dodgy I’ll go to see GP tomorrow. For those of you who’ve had this surgery, what are your thoughts on how it should be looking? Thank you!

  • Hi nose 44

    Redness and swelling are usually part of the bodies early response to trauma and is part of the healing process, but if you're worried, definitely speak to your doctor. 

    It could also be that your skin may be reacting to the sutures.

    Whereabouts is your basal cell?

    I'm wondering also if there was a reason for a 1ml margin?

    I had a basal cell removed from my nose and had a 5ml margin although different surgeons have different methods.

    Hope you manage to get some answers. 

    Please let us know how you get on 

  • Hi! Thanks for replying! I really appreciate it. The GP prescribed antibiotics this afternoon after I sent a photo, just to be safe. I think you’re right though about the sutures because the actual incision doesn’t look too bad at all. It’s where the sutures come in and out that’s irritated/infected. The BCC was on the side of my nose, about halfway up. The doctor said that, because the borders looked quite clean, she was reluctant to take the usual 3mm margins because it would take the incision right up next to my eye and be quite disfiguring. She did explain that there would be a risk of having to have another excision if margins weren’t clear but she said given the appearance of the lesion, it was very doubtful. So, like I said, a bit of a gamble. The scar is only about a cm and a half long but I could feel that the cut was pretty deep and now that the healing has been more painful and complicated than I hoped, I’m pretty scared by the idea of them having to repeat the process! I am hoping that, if they do have to go back in, the surgery would be done by a plastic surgeon. Not sure if that’s what usually happens when it’s so close to the eye. I had the lesion for less than a year. It was a brand new mark that started like a spot then turned into what looked like a brown mole. I thought it was an irritation from my glasses at first. About eight weeks ago my son said that it was a lot more noticeable and it looked like a darker brown than it had been before so I went to get it checked out. I was really impressed by how quickly it was all sorted. Yay NHS!!! 

    Where on your nose was yours? A 5mm margin must have been hard for you. Has it healed well?

  • Hi

    Glad you got help from the doctor.

    Mine was on the side of my nose. It was about 6mm and was removed by a head and neck surgeon.

    I didn't have any sutures as it was left to heal on its own     and it has healed well on its own.

    Do you know how long you have to wait to hear if you have clear margins? 

  • I’m really glad to hear yours has healed well on its own. So interesting how surgeons take such different approaches. I’ve become fascinated by it all (my kids would say obsessed) in the last couple of months. 

    I was told I’d get results in two weeks but the op was just before Easter weekend so I think it will be 3 weeks or so. Hope it’s not much longer. 

    I downloaded an app that was recommended (and on special offer) on the melanoma uk website today. Definitely going to keep a much closer eye on my skin from now on. 

  • I think we all become " obssessed" with our skin after diagnosis. 

    I get paranoid about every little lump and bump.

    My surgeon has told me to take every sensible precaution but to get out there and not worry, which is easier said than done.

    I do a lot of hiking and hardly did any last year due to the surgery and being paranoid about going out,  but he's told me to enjoy my hiking just to be sensible.

    The damage was probably done in childhood.

    Hope you don't have to wait too long for your results and that your margins are clear.

    The waiting is awful isn't it?

  • I just got a message on the NHS App, got all excited that my results were the fastest in history, only to see a note saying received by lab and will be available in 5 weeks. Ho hum. Feels like an eternity now but I’m sure it will pass quickly. They couldn’t take my stitches out yesterday as planned because of the infection but antibiotics seem to be kicking in so hopefully tomorrow. I’m not scared about melanoma (doctor was very reassuring and said 90% sure it was BCC) but I am worried they didn’t get it all with such small margins. My good friend works in a histology lab and she seemed to think that, because they mark the “geography” of the excised sample, if they missed a bit they would only need to cut again in and around the spot they missed (top, bottom, etc.) so that’s made me feel better.

    Sorry to hear you’ve missed out on hiking but glad you’re getting back out there. I love being outdoors so I’m using this as an excuse for some hardcore hat shopping. I do a lot of rock climbing and am also a mad beachcomber so I’m hoping there’s a clothing range out there for people like who need to be covered up in the sun without getting too hot. Otherwise I’m inventing one and going on Dragon’s Den! : )

  • Yes we become very good hat shoppers.

    I prefer the wide brim bucket hats. It took some time to get used to wearing them but I don't think anything of it now.

    If you look on line there's a lot of companies selling sun protection clothing. 

    It's a long time to wait isn't it for results isn't it?

  • It does seem like a long time, especially since my friend said that in her lab (which doesn’t cover my region) they can turn around the samples within three to five days. Oh well. Maybe it was an outside estimate. Fingers crossed!

  • Hi Nose 44. Only just seen your posts.  I have had 2 basal cell skin cancers removed last year. One was by my nostril which I had a skin flap done and the other was like yours.  I thought my glasses has rubbed me as got a new pair on line during lockdown.  Whilst I was having the first one done I asked the Consultant to look at the other and he did a biopsy which came back as another bcc.  This one was a nasty one as it went right up as far as my tear duct and done with a skin graft from skin taken from the side of my face.  I first went to dematologist who referred me straight away to a plastic surgeon as he said it was in too difficult a position for him to do - that was the nostril one, never mentioned the other to him.  I was offered MOHS surgery which I declined as he was confident he would get it all out, and he did.  The scars werre horrendous to start with but a year on are fine now.  The nargins were all clear on both of them but he did take a large area out.  I had to wait 5 weeks for results which is the norm I think.  I never sunbathed, never been abroad and never used a sun bed and was always sun cautious and used sun cream.  I use factor 50 now every day on my face and March to November should my arms be on show.  I am paranoid, drive hubby mad, but know Puckettyboo is the same as we compare notes.  It is hard to enjoy the summer now but I am getting a bit braver as time goes on.  I wear large brimmed sun hats too, got a factor 50 sun shade in the garden and just take as much care as I can.  I have been told I may get more as once you have had one, you tend to get others, so always checking my skin now.  Yes we become obsessed.  Keep us informed how you go on and this site has been brilliant for me and I know Puckettyboo too. xx

  • Hi, would be so interested to know where you are located if you’ve got good treatment with the NHS. I am in the East Midlands and have a large 4 cm infiltrating basal cell on my forehead and scalp and it has taken two months to see a dermatologist after the results of the biopsy (had to chase and chase the results of the biopsy which still took 6 weeks to get those results)and they want me to wait another five months before having it removed.