
  • 2 replies
  • 3 subscribers

hi everyone, I am heading to Christie hospital in two days to undergo Cytoreductive surgery and Hipec treatment. I need extensive surgery, the extent of which scares me. I have read great words of encouragement on this site of others who have gone through the same which definitely has helped with some of the anxiety. Is anyone else due for surgery or just had it that can offer some information on their experience? Obviously I am looking for positive comments but any advice on how to deal with the enormity of this would be much appreciated.

thank you

Alitoot x

  • FormerMember

    You are in very good hand at the Christie , they are experts at this surgery and they really look after you post surgery. My one piece of advice with regards to staying positive is that when things ahead of you feel too great to deal with think about the next thing. My friend who had just underwent breast cancer surgery gave me that advice as I went into hospital , don’t think about the surgery but think about the next step which is recovery and keep ploughing ahead , everyday that passes is a day closer to you feeling better. I found this helped a lot when things felt overwhelming. Also I took a journal into hospital to write my worry’s and thoughts down and kept a bottle of lavender essential oil to sniff which helped me calm at night and I took a blanket from home in with me. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for responding Flowery. When I was in hospital a few months ago my friend brought me in a couple of pillows which really helped with my comfort, I was reminded of her thoughtfulness every day. I want to take them with me which is a similar idea to your blanket, I have a blanket too but think with the pillows it may be too much!!

    i will try to focus on getting back home instead of recovery as thinking about that makes me anxious too, just recalling my last hospital recovery. The hospital food was terrible hopefully Christi’s will be more appealing!!

    i will keep the group as updated re my recovery as possible, may do a daily blog here, focusing on the positives of course!!
