Prednisone with docetaxel?

  • 5 replies
  • 178 subscribers

Hi All, my husband is on his first round of chemo (as part of triplet therapy). We were quite surprised to be told he would be taking prednisone for the 18 weeks with chemo. He has another (stronger) steroid for the 3 days around the chemo infusion, but then taking prednisone during the remaining 18 days of the cycle. My husband isn’t loving the idea of being on a steroid for 18 weeks, although I suspect it’s helping with the fatigue / other side effects. Just wondered if anyone else who is going through triplet therapy has been prescribed it? He’s also on hormone injections and darolutamide. Thanks all xxx

  • hi. I'm about to start chemo on triplet next weds. I've got to take steroids day before onthe day and day after chemo. they haven't said i need any more till my second chemotherapy session.  is your husband fit or has he other illnesses.  I'm 60 with no other illnesses. 

  • Thanks! He’s 44 and very fit, and we weren’t originally told anything about needing to be on steroids for the whole period (just the 3 days around the infusion, as you say). We are with private medical, so wonder whether it’s something they just add into the protocol. But we’re a bit confused, and he’s unsure whether to push back on needing them. Good luck with the chemo - my husband has tolerated it fairly well, has just been very tired from day 5, so hope you have a similar experience xxx

  • thanks i hope i go through it  smoothly. im trying to keep a little log of my journey via my profile.  it may help others if you did the same . I found reading other people's journey's very helpful and reassuring. regards dale. 

  • Hi Anna42, my husband had the chemo last year and took steroids they help stop any reaction to chemo and help get the psa down, he did get type 2 diabetes but that's all gone now. Please don't worry to much about taking them, they wouldn't give them to your husband if they we're not needed.

  • Hi Anna. I am pleased to hear that your husband is coping with the chemotherapy. The use of dexamethasone before, during and immediately after the infusion is standard treatment but the NICE guidelines for giving Prednisone are optional in the hormone sensitive setting. Your husband should have a blood test a couple of days before his next infusion to check that they are still in balance and that he is well enough to tolerate it. The steroids do reduce the side effects of the chemotherapy but can also push the glucose levels up as  has said. If your husband is uncomfortable with taking them then he can discuss his concerns with the team at his next session. To put things into perspective, the Triplet Therapy could be with either Darolutamide or Abiraterone/Prednisone so Prednisone can be used as a standard treatment for prostate cancer patients away from the chemotherapy regime.