
  • 2 replies
  • 175 subscribers

Hi ,

I was diagnosed with localised advanced prostate cancer in October 2024.

last year I had 18weeks of chemo and 4 weeks of radiotherapy.

iv been on Prostap for over a year now and have a 3 year course.

Finished radiotherapy 1st Sept 2024 then fitted with a catheter for 3 months which was the worst thing Iv ever experienced.

I had a starting PSA read of 42 and subsequently reads have been 0.49 and 0.1, the latter being 6 months since radiotherapy finished.

All blood work and renal etc has just come back really good, put on weight and back in the gym.

So, things on the up.

I feel so selfish, but the loss of libido has really messed with my head, very depressed, moody and loss of self esteem.

Not made love in a year.

Affecting my normal life and I’m a different person to what I was, can’t understand how my wife puts up with me.

iv considered what Ed help is available and counselling.

Anyone else in the same boat?

  • Hi  

    as a wife of a husband  of over 50 yrs who is on hormone therapy . It is difficult but we have now come to the conclusion that he is alive and we work through the anxieties with what I would say is courting again . And it’s fun.

    There are things that your consultant/ GP can prescribe which didn’t work for him . Was offered a referral to ED clinic but he doesn’t want anything mechanical as he put it.  

    I know you will get lots of support on this forum from fellow sufferers and partners too.

    best wishes and take care 

    Liz & OH xx

  • Hello again Chris ( 

    I am pleased you have found us - we are a decent bunch!

    Your treatment looks to have worked well, it’s the ED and loss of libido that’s the issue. I appreciate we are all different and to be honest for me the fact I can’t get an erection and I am ill has brought my wife and I much closer- and we were close BC ( before cancer).I don’t know if it’s an age thing - I am 69 and been married 46 years!

    There is help available through your team and GP and it’s possible our Support Line on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week) may have some advice for you.

    If you click on a Community member’s name or avatar you can read their journey profile. To add yours on your home page click on the chair - top right, then profile and then edit. Once you have written something don’t forget to save it.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.