
  • 4 replies
  • 175 subscribers

Hi I’ve just been told prostate cancer it’s confined to prostate got to have biopsy to see if benign or malignant don’t know what to expect after that any help would be appreciated scared really 3rd time with cancer

  • Hi  , I noticed that nobody had responded yet but am sure others will be along soon.

    It is good news that it is confined to the prostate gland so will be curable.  The biopsy will give you a Gleason score (how aggressive) and a staging.  Don’t worry about these yet but let us know and we can help you understand more.  If you have any specific questions before then, please ask away.  David

  • Thank you we are going away then having biopsies straight after and will put on what they say 

  • Hopefully going away will take your mind off it.  Have a good break.  David

  • Hi  ,

    sorry to see you in this forum . These people are fantastic and will give you advice , support and just being around . My OH and I are so thankful for the support we have had over the past year . 

    Hope your results are quick as that the worst part waiting .  I see your going away !!  hope you have a relaxing time .

    take care & hugs 

    Liz & OH xx