Newly Diagnosed

  • 41 replies
  • 186 subscribers

Hi everyone just introducing myself and my story. I am a very fortunate 62yr old who has sadly benefitted from my older brothers misfortune. He was diagnosed with PC 5 months ago Gleason 8 (4+4) T4 with metastases and has 1. Chemotherapy treatment left at the end of this month. On the back of this horrible news my own children pleaded with me to go for a PSA test. I told them I would but just kept saying I’m ok I’m not ill but eventually gave in and went for my PSA test on the 12 December, now following inspections, Scans and a biopsy I have been informed on Tuesday this week that I actually have PC. Luckily for me I’m classed as medium risk and suitable for potential curative treatment as I have been caught early. My Gleason score is 7 (4+3) T2

now where I am very fortunate is that if it wasn’t for my brothers misfortune I would never had gone for a PSA test and further down the line ended off a lot worse than I am now.

The only decision I have to make is to choose 1 of 2 treatments offered to me prostrate removal or Radiotherapy a hard decision to make without looking at all The pros & cons. I have consultations to come at Christie’s hospital to help me make up my mind in the near future but at least I have the opertunity of being free from cancer where my poor brother dosent..

if anyone has any advice or experience regarding the 2 treatment available any information regarding pros & cons would be greatly appreciated so I can take some questions away with me to discuss when I have my consultation regarding these.


  • Hi Teulu, and a warm welcome to the forum, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and hope he's responding well to treatment and doing as well as hoped.

    And I'm glad it was the proverbial kick up the backside you needed from your kids to get yourself tested,  Gleason 4+3 and T2, are very encouraging for a positive outcome, as is having  The Christie, as your cancer hospital, a wonderful hospital familiar to quite a few guys on here, including Brian (Millibob), our champion.

    Unfortunately my stats are different to yours, so will leave it for others with similar stats to yourself., to share their thoughts and experiences, please feel free to ask any questions, no question is too daff, only not asking it, the guys and girls are a wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable group who are happy to help support everyone in any way they can, my best wishes for your,  (and your brothers), journey.


  • Thank you for your warm welcome Eddiel. Yes the last few months have been an eye opener for me and I’m now encouraging every male friend I have to go and get tested. Never once thought I would be in danger even when I lost my eldest sister 4 yrs ago who overcame Brest cancer and got the all clear after her treatment only to have an unrelated brain tumor 4 months later which took her life within 3 months.

    i hope that whatever you are going through does have a positive end with longevity. Heart

  • You are welcome my friend, and I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, cancer truly is an awful disease, which thankfully more people than ever are beating, and well done in encouraging others to get tested, I've been doing speeches on prostate cancer and testing for 14 months and I'm getting close to having helped 100 guys get tested, and if I've only helped one with an earlier detection its been worth it.

    My cancer was much more advanced than yours, so only ever treatable, but 3 years on I'm still doing all the things I used to do, if a little slower, with time to come.


  • My 40yr old Son has got the message and he is having his PSA  test on Monday.

    now to set off back to Wales to tell my father that he has a 2nd son with PC but I’m far luckier than my elder brother.

  • Hi  , you have been lucky by the sound of it.  Like  at diagnosis I was similar to your elder brother and that was 7 years ago. Even a bad diagnosis isn’t what it was a few decades ago.   I wish you both well in the fight against this horrible disease.  Best wishes, David

  • Thanks   for that:

    as is having  The Christie, as your cancer hospital, a wonderful hospital familiar to quite a few guys on here, including Brian (Millibob), our champion.

    Yes, it's a great place. and Good Morning agsin  I have replied to you on the other thread - it's been a busy morning!!

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Teulu,

    I went down the Radical Prostatectomy route. I have used my profile as a diary. Click on my photo if you would like to read about it. 

    Cheers Psticks

  • I'm so pleased your son is to be tested, wish him well from me, and I'm sorry for what your family are going through, an experience sadly we share, best wishes to you all.


  • Thanks Pstiks I will. I have had my Christie’s consultation date for next Friday 14th  I.have  a decision to make and I hope you experience can help me make up my mind 

  • Hello  

    I am on the hormone Therapy / Radiotherapy route myself and I have an aggressive cancer - I have been on it for 3 years but I would do it all over again for a "curative pathway".

    I didn't have the choice of surgery (I don't think I would have gone for it anyway as I am a wimp) - heres another link for you about someone's surgery journey.


    If you need any information about any of the two pathways you have been offered please let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.