How to help?

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  • 178 subscribers

A very close family friend is about to go through a biopsy on his prostate. I have been with him to his previous appointments which his doctor has said its very likely to be cancer. Our friend hasn’t got any family close by they are all 200 miles away so it’s either me (female) or my husband who will be with him depending on his shifts at work. Im so scared of facing this again I lost my dad two years ago from prostate cancer the difference is there was a lot of us looking after my dad this time will be just me and my husband thank you for any help 

  • hi I'm 60 in 2 weeks. there's only me and the wife no children so just us .I've just had my biopsy and now waiting to see what the results are and what treatment may be available. has he had a psa result from blood tests and has he had mri and bone scan.  

  • yeah he’s also 60 and he has kids but they all live far away so he only has me my husband and our teens to support him yes he’s had psa result it was 15 and he’s had mri ct scans the dr was lovely but straight to the point and said youve got a long road ahead his biopsy is next week which I will be attending with him 

  • hi . my psa was 505. so very high, but I believe others have even higher results.  have they told him if its contained in the postrate . from what I'm told if its contained its very treatable . and he will probably live a pretty normal life. I'm told mines outside the postrate but there's still treatment for it. 

  • They believe it’s also spread outside his urologist said he is 100% sure it’s cancer just need biopsy to see where we go from here It’s hard for me as I am just a friend but he’s not very good at listening to drs and doing as he’s told I’m 20 years younger than him but acting like his mother 

  • he's very lucky to have a friend like you . tell him he's not alone sounds like he's about the same stage as me. until we get the results of the biopsy there's no point worrying.  I've come to the point we're I've decided what will be will be . but taking things one stage at a time. you read some very encouraging things on here that gives you hope .

  • Hi FC

    I think it all hinges on if spread outside the gland so Def check that out.

    If still contained within the gland then the whole thing does become easier and more likely to be curable 

    If you can get some more stats that would help you get the best advice


  • Thank you so much for kind words I just think I’m maybe over thinking things we will take each day as it comes and not worry about things we can’t control hope you get good results sending you and your wife good wishes 

  • Will be asking that next week he should have had an appointment this week however he had his dads funeral that he had to fly to America for so things have been slightly pushed back

  • Hello  

     Hello  .I am so sorry to read about your dad and now you are dealing with it again for a friend. He's lucky to have someone like you to look after him.

    At the moment until he get's a formal diagnosis and treatment plan, there's not much you can do for him apart from being there. He needs to keep as fit as possible as whichever treatment route he embarks on fatigue will be there.

    Here's a link you may find of use - The Prostate Biopsy.

    If I can do anything else for you please let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi  &  , this is a really hard time for everyone at the start of a journey and as  has said, just take it day by day.  Your friend ( ) is very lucky to have your support.

    It is far too early to be talking about treatments, but my advice would be to have a list of questions ready when you get the results and take notes (or record the conversation if the consultant permits), as it is easy to get lost when everything is thrown at you.

    Once you get the results, please come back and we will guide you through.  David