Prostate Cancer then Spinal journey

  • 6 replies
  • 178 subscribers


So I have had a bit of a journey. Initially in August 24 I suffered what I thought was a bad case of Acid Reflux where I thought I had damaged my rib. I was regularly getting stomach issues and it felt different. I checked into the local GP who latched on to the words Acid reflux and put me on some medication. This is now the beginning of October and I knew this was something new, I then started getting spasms where I could barely move for 40 minutes or so, on one occasion we dialled 999 but ended up just getting more tablets.

Now November, the GP arranges a scan and it shows I have prostate Cancer and some lymph nodes are affected. I then visited a consultant who books more scans after an MRI scan I am advised to go straight to Urology. Here they have determined that I have Cancer in the spine and that surgery is recommended.

Towards the end of November I have surgery to remove part of my spine and have it replaced with braces and screws. The operation goes well and after 10 days go home. All seems well, getting out for walks etc. My wife then noticed my back doesn't look the same and I feel a bit different. So of to A&E where I am readmitted, they tell me I have a bleed, a Hematoma, they are hoping the body will absorb it. It seems to be going well and after another 10 day I am home just before Christmas.

It was great spending Christmas with the family but a couple of days later I started to tremble and after painkillers had a temperature of nearly 40. Back to A&E and after a few days they determine that the hematoma has got infected. They then do a aspiration sucking the fluid out my back. I get a visit from Infectious Diseases who put me on hyper Antibiotics for 90 days. The metalwork has got infected so they cannot give me radiotherapy until it is clear.

So I have been home for a couple of weeks, having blood tests weekly and many appointments lined up.I had fantastic help in the hospital but felt discharge a little lacking, being unsure of what I could and couldn't do. What sort of recovery to expect etc, hence my joining Macmillan.

For my Prostate Cancer I am on Degarelix, however, every time it is injected into my stomach I get a large amount of swelling and it is very sore. Last time the swelling lasted for over 7 days. Anyone any thoughts on this or considered any alternative?


  • Hello  

    Welcome to the Prostate group, as I said over on "New to the Community" that's some journey you've been on.

    As you are aware none of us here are medically trained so I can't comment on your spine but as for Degarelix there are two great alternatives in Zoladex and Decapeptyl. which are both used for Hormone Therapy.

    I was on 6 monthly Decapeptyl injections and never had an issue with them. These are injected into the gluteus maximus. You can always ask your team if you can change.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hello  and welcome from a wife but what a journey you have been on. The Degarelix is the only LHRH antagonist but some men do find the side effects in the stomach painful. As an alternative there are LHRH agonists such as Prostap, Decapeptyl which work on a slightly different point in the mechanism but with the same effect. There is also a newly approved GnRH antagonist which is in tablet form but is not that freely available in the UK yet. Have a word with your doctor to see if you can get switched onto another drug. My husband has been on 3 monthly Prostap injections into the stomach for over 4 years with no problems.

  • Hi  I have been on Zoladex for 7 years and no problem.  Please come back with any questions.  David

  • Really appreciate your advice, good to know there are suitable options.

  • Hi

    There was initially some confusion as to what I was on and the local GP mentioned Zoladex, maybe an option to consider.

    Thank you 

  • Many thanks Brian,

    I have a meeting with Oncology next week so hopefully I can raise it there. My GP has offered to discuss it with me but I will talk to my case nurse before making a decision.

    Thanks again