R T today!

  • 13 replies
  • 178 subscribers

So the wait is finally over today I get my first radiotherapy treatment, 20+ over the next five weeks. Feeling a bit apprehensive hoping and praying that I won’t have too many side effects. Nearly a month since I had my Brachytherapy and things have been going really quite well, still a lot of night visits to the loo and some discomfort but not all the time the old chap feels rather tender at times! Had back pains since my CT planning scan which is not ideal for whats to come, but still very hopeful that this will get the job done.

  • Hi  - well, you’re another one of the Brachytherapy Boost community- I would be interested in seeing your biopsy statistics (Gleason score, any aggressive features, T,N, M scores etc). Anyway, if you look at my bio (click on the alpine scene next to my name) you will see how I got on.  The fact that you have tolerated the brachytherapy stage so well probably means that you will be fine through the external phase too.  You’ll be fine , don’t worry.    AW

  • Good Morning  

    You will be fine. The hard bit is driving to and from the appointment and finding a parking space.

    Remember the radiologists are there for you - any changes in your body, feelings or toilet habits let them know.

    Keep us posted as to hoe it goes.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Good morning  

    my oh is having 6 large sizes of RT . He is half way through and he says the 1st one has been the worst for him as he had a problem having a good flow . So I handed him a two litre bottle of water and said go for it . It worked well . But up a lot during the night .   skin on his back was a bit tender . 

    He had bruising the 2nd one but it disappeared on its own .  Radiologist gave him cream for his skin. He had less of a problem with his flow and more manageable but drinking lots of  fluids . Still up a  good few times during the night  

    was in for 3rd yesterday and had his 1st meeting with the RT nurse who told him no caffeine . He was a bit humped  as bit late telling him but he likes his tea . I had bought the only tea he will drink ( rington) in caffeine free so gave him a cuppa last night and he didn’t notice the difference so we will stick with them until he finishes . He was up during the night but not as much . He’s feeling pretty fatigued but determined to do his 10 miles  walk a day .

    best wishes and hope your treatment is side effect free .

    liz & OH  xx

  • but determined to do his 10 miles  walk a day .

    Wow, that's 3,650 miles a year which puts my efforts into the shade somewhat. An impressive achievement.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hey  

    He started doing that when he retired to keep the weight down . I never thought about how many miles. It doesn’t matter how much or little exercise it all about doing what you can do yourself . 

    Have a wonderful Christmas xxx


  • These are my statistics Gleason score 4 plus 5 so a 9 = group 5 adenocarcinoma of both lobes of prostate all cores so extensive and aggressive also in semiinal vesicels CT & Bone scans both clear so graded T3B NO MO.  Hoping to get started on Radiotherapy today after a false start yesterday 20 sessions 

  • Ah yes, I can see why they’ve gone for Brachy Boost - in your case, the best choice IMHO.  Remember, no matter how aggressive the cancer is, if it is caught in the radiotherapy zone it is DEAD.   AW

  • Hope all went well today . 
    best wishes 

    Liz & OH


  • Unfortunately not really after 2 goes unable the match up the planning CT scan with the pre radiation scan so not able treatment! The plan now is to do another planning scan hopefully soon and then try again all rather disappointing.

  • Stick with it.  This means that the radiotherapy team are perfectionists and they have the accurate LINAC technology to be so.  They won’t give up, don’t worry!  You’ll get there.    AW