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  • 177 subscribers

Just joined, thank you,

my father has stage 4 prostate cancer which is spreading into his spine, he’s 90….. just struggling as we are caring at home.  Any tips for the 14 wee get ups a night?? Not sure we are ready for catheter yet…..

interested in other people’s experience 

thank you Vicky 

  • Hello Vicky and welcome to the group. I am sorry to hear about your father and his nocturia. There are different things which you can try but the first thing is to have a word with his doctor who might be able to prescribe medication and also a referral to a continence clinic. I don't know whether it might be suitable but there is a device called a penile sheath (basically an external catheter) which is changed every 24 hours. Pelvic floor exercises might help your father gain a little more control - there is an app SQUEEZY APP which you can download which will tell your father how to do them properly and remind him when they need to be done. You can help by reducing things which might irritate the bladder such as caffeine, acidic drinks, alcohol and fizzy drinks. Also try to avoid drinks later in the evening and just before bedtime but making sure that he remains hydrated.

    Here is a link to the bladder and bowel charity which might have some suggestions.


    I am sure others will be along with some suggestions .