When will treatment start?

  • 9 replies
  • 172 subscribers

Hello everybody. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 days ago, after a whirlwind of blood tests, scans and biopsy. When I was told I zoned out slightly, but now is all gone quiet. any idea how long it takes before I might start treatment? Have tried contacting hospital, but just keep getting answer phones.

  • Hi Watchman 63

    might be worth speaking to your GP as they can possibly chase up for you . Hope you get answers soon 

    best wishes 

    Liz & OH 

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan online Prostate cancer Community - although I am so sorry to find you here at our exclusive club!!

    I assume you were told you had Prostate Cancer at some point during the tests. The normal plan is to do all the tests and then your results will be sent to the MDT team (Multi-disciplinary team) who will have a meeting and decide on your best treatment plan. This is normally down to the Urology department at your local hospital.

    Times vary at different NHS hospitals but an average for the biopsy results to come through and an MDT meeting to be scheduled in now 4 - 6 weeks. 

    If you need help and can't get an answer from the department you were dealing with - try the hospital PALS department for help - Patient Advisory and Liaison Service (the number will be available from Mr Google for your local hospital) They should be able to get you some answers.

    I hope this helps - If i can do anything else for you please let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Watchman 

    A few more details could help us to help you.

    IE PSA, Gleeson score, staging or what the MRI scan says



  • Hi Steve,

    PSA 7.79 / Gleeson score 3+4 / .  MRI showed suspect area, Biopsy confirmed cancer. 

  •   Ok Watchman

    So low stats , presume contained in the gland so time on your side.

    You will probably be offered active surveillance , surgery or Radiotherapy.

    Take your time and look at possible side effects for each of the two treatments to get some understanding of it all.

    Surprised u haven't got an appointment to discuss, I would keep chasing but as I said at the beginning no particular urgency.

    Good luck


  • Hi  - I agree with  : it’s early days and you have time to do your research.  As  says, the MDT will be discussing your case and you should get a formal offer of choices of treatment pathway in maybe 2-4 weeks. In the meantime, do your research. The best way is to look at the various bio profiles on here (basically, they are concise summaries of the various treatments that men have had, rather than trawl over the sometimes very lengthy threads). Many bios have links to further information. When you find someone who had a similar diagnosis to yours , you can then maybe look at their main thread to get more detail. Your cancer diagnosis appears to show a very early and curable type, so try not to worry.  AW.  

  • Not far off of my readings, check my bio, for my findings/happenings.Check out a few others.We all make different choices, and take different paths to recovery. Good Luck

  • Hi  , sorry you have joined our club, but welcome. It is a massive shock and a steep learning curve.  Firstly with your stats it sounds curable. Secondly, we all experience a desire to get started on treatment, but PCa is a slow growing cancer so take your time.  Hope you hear soon.  David