Prostate cancer with catheter

  • 9 replies
  • 164 subscribers

Hi all, 

New to group, started my journey April this year. I am coming towards the end of my 2nd month of hormone therapy. I am on apalutamide tablets and 3 monthly hormone injection. Over the past monthl have noticed a strong odour from my catheter leg bag.Just wandering if anyone else has had this?? 

  • Hi, I had something similar but disappeared after I drank more water.

  • Thanks for reply

  • Hi BFS, and welcome to the forum, though sorry you have to be here, I'm assuming you have an indwelling catheter, and you wash your catheter and penis regularly with warm soapy water every time you use it, and change your bag at least once a week, and as Huffies said drink plenty of water, can I ask is it just an odour issue is your urine pale with nothing in it, no particles or blood, if its just the bag that smells and everything else looks good I would replace the bag, wash everything thoroughly and up your water intake. anything else you need to see your nurse.


  • Hi BFS. I noticed very smelly urine shorty after my catheter was removed and this turned out to be a UTI. The infection was treated successfully with antibiotics. If the odour persists, might be worth getting checked?

  • I had UTI about 6 weeks ago which was treated with antibiotics. Going to hospital this week so will ask them again 
    Thanks for reply

  • Hi Eddie, What part of the catheter do you mean, the penis end or the end that goes into the bag?? Changing bag twice a week. Urine pale with no particles or blood. Going to see nurse on Monday and catheter change a few days later will ask both

    Thanks for reply

  • Hi BFS, changing your bag twice a week is perfect as is clear pale urine, it's important you wash the catheter tube and penis, pulling back the foreskin "if you have one" and cleaning behind it, do this every time you touch always good to ask the nurses, take care. Eddie

  • Hello  

    A further warm welcome to the Online Community from me. I think you have had lots of great advice here. As someone who had an indwelling catheter for 10 months awaiting a TURP operation the only other cause of problems I can think of are the leg bag straps.

    You must ensure your leg bag straps are behind the pipework and not over the pipework - this avoids squeezing the pipe and thus restricting urine flow.

    I trust you are sorted now. Do let us know how you get on with the nurses and the catheter change.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi Brian, Thanks for the  advice. I am trying it all!!! Catheter change next week so hopefully l will get it sorted.