Updated Profile "Bone Pain"

  • 4 replies
  • 161 subscribers

Hi all, just to let you know that I had my urgent appointment with my consultant yesterday.

He was very concerned to hear about my ongoing bone pain. I'm now taking a course of steroids and I had to have an x-ray whilst I was there to check if I have broken anything.

I'm due to see my consultant again next week to go through the x-ray's and to discuss Plan B (Radiotherapy) on my pelvis and leg to deal with this extra symptom and the cancer itself.

Yes I am still standing strong and this cancer has picked on the wrong man!!!!!!

"Bring it On Stay Strong"

Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi

    I'm a fellow prostate bone mets warrior. I find swimming front crawl everyday at lunch really helps reduce the bone pain especially in the spine. Just a 10min swim makes a massive difference.

    Keep fighting friend.


  • Hi Andy1971.

    Many thanks my fellow bone mets worrier and thanks for the advice on going swimming which sounds very good and I am very happy to hear that it's very helpful for you my friend.

    Unfortunately since suffering a Stroke in 1998 at 32yrs old due to mobility issues I haven't been able to get in and around a swimming pool.

    Hopefully with the introduction of steroids and liquid morphine and radiotherapy at some point soon I will be able to get some relief ???

    I have also got some other things up my sleeve to try as well.

    Thanks again.

    Prostate Worrier 

  • Hi 

    The full pelvic RT makes a huge difference to bone pain, I know I’ve said it before, Mr Bw has none at all since he had RT last year. He used to suffer with leg, hip and lower back pain, nothing now and of course it crushes and disables a huge amount of cancer cells in the process. BW had lower ribs zapped too in a pre-emptive  strike while they were there. Maybe worth asking for full coverage. The initial intent was to completely blast the Prostate and seminal vesicles and it then changed to full Pelvic, hips, lower torso/ribs, it seemed a huge amount at the time. He said they scanned daily, then moved him into different positions covering all areas. I think this will make a big difference to how you are feeling. Big cancer knock back as well. Plan B sounds very proactive. 


  • Hi BarryW.

    Many thanks for your reply and for the information as well.

    Prostate Worrier.