Jo drain

  • 12 replies
  • 165 subscribers

Hello, I’m brand new to the group. I decided to have robotic prostate surgery. I was told I would be discharged the following day, but they kept me an extra 4 days because of excessive bleeding. I’ve been home 3 days and the JP valve is still draining. Is this unusual? I’m worried if something went wrong with the procedure. I’ve never had surgery of any kind before, so this is all new to me . Anyway, if anyone knows anything about these drains I would love to hear from you. Thank you very much

  • Morning,

    Warm welcome to the group. I do not know anything about prostate surgery as my husband PC is incurable. 

    I am just tagging our group champion Millibob@ and I am sure he will put you in the right direction.

    Lots of love


  • Hi Dafna. It took me a little while to get the hang of how to tag someone in. You press the @ sign and immediately start typing the name. A box of options starts coming up so press on the one you want e.g.  will then appear highlighted. Continue with your conversation. Once you have pressed return you should find that the name of the person you have tagged appears in Green or black. 

    Hope you have a good day in Brighton and have you sorted out where you are going on holiday in September?

  • Hi AH,

    How are you both? Here all is good and we will join by my brother and sister in law in September on a cruise to the Norwegian fjords. Usually our holidays are more active  but I thought Jacob will enjoy a relaxing time with family. Thank you for the tagging explanation, I am hopeless with IT!

    I know there are many members with post surgery experience and I hope they will come in good advise and experiences to reply to  

    Lots of love


  • Hi BA1965 sorry to hear of your surgery complications. I worked as a registered nurse on a surgical ward  and retired 10 years ago, so things may have moved on . However, in my nursing days I looked after a lot of post operative patients with vacuumed wound drains . I have never looked after a JP valve, though!  I think the most important criteria for my own concern with a wound drain would have been how much was draining and exactly what was draining out. Eg a lot of very bright red blood would indicate more of a problem than a decreasing amount of darker ( old) blood. The drain is there for a purpose - it prevents a lot of blood accumulating inside your body.  

    if you are concerned, I think you should seek medical advice as, by my reckoning you are now 8 days post op? You can contact the consultants secretary to ask for advice or you can contact your GP - or NHS 111 might be able to advise you? In the event of a large amount of bright red blood, I would advise ED.

    have they given any indication of how long the drain will stay in?


    good luck

  • I’m hoping today, this is all brand new to me. I’ve never had surgery or been in a hospital that long. Thanks so much for replying, I appreciate it

  • How lovely. I can honestly say that the Norwegian fjords was one of our favourite cruises and the scenery was awesome. I don't know whether you have been on a cruise before but if you are intending to go on any trips then we found that the independent companies gave a better experience than those arranged by the cruise companies, plus they were cheaper. If you private message me (my box is open) then I can give you a recommendation.

  • Good Morning  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Community although I am so sorry to find you here.

    Surgery isn't my specialist subject but I am sorry to read yours kept you in hospital for an extra 4 days. A JP valve (Jackson-Pratt) is placed below your belly button to drain excess fluid and blood from the surgery and is normally removed after 2/3 days.

    As it's still in and still draining you need to contact your team and find out why you still have it. If you can't contact your team or CNS (Cancer Nurse Specialist) contact your GP ans a matter of urgency.

    I hope this helps - please let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks AH. I just send you a friend request so I can send you a PM.

    Lots of love
