Hi, new here. Awaiting the inevitable.

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Hi, new to the forum and am now awaiting results from blood tests I had today from GP to check PSA, Bone Chemistry, Thyroid function & diabetes! 

I went with a number of symptoms I could explain away to the GP, the first one appeared around 5 weeks ago on holiday. Excruciating upper back pain I reckoned was from having my 8 year old daughter hang around my neck whilst I dived under water with her hanging on & swimming underwater style for length after length, day after day. That pain resolved once home from holiday a few days later.

3 weeks passed with no back pain when I started feeling a slight niggle in the same place 8 days ago.  It’ll be lifting my daughter high onto the climbing bars day after day that’s brought it back was my thinking. So off I went to a Trampoline Park, and although I felt the pain as I jumped about for an hour, I thought nothing of it. 

Since the trampoline park, my lower spine is giving me pain now when I twist, as well as pain around and under my ribcage, both sides, and of course the pain in my upper back!

Next up, I’m certain I sat on a testicle during a spin class maybe 10 days ago, but it’s been hurting ever since. 

And now I’m down the rabbit hole. I’ve back pain, upper and lower seemingly on my spine, over and under my ribs and my shoulders. My health anxiety is going bonkers now. I’ve pain in my forearms and arms, tingling in my fingers and shinbones. 

And there’s more! I’ve lost 10kg in 8 weeks due to embarking on a low carb intermittent fasting diet and plenty excercise, including hard running.  How much is too much weight to lose? I’ve been drinking strong coffee and energy drinks for fun, multiple cans and cups per day to stave off hunger. Increased urination, you bet! 

One more thing! I think I pulled a thigh muscle smashing footballs into some goals only 5 days ago. Only it’s seems to have gone deep into my thigh and not like I’ve suffered previous. 

So that’s where I am! I don’t know what I expected the GP to do today, maybe naproxen or similar. I certainly didn’t expect PSA & bone chemistry bloods to be taken, and now it all makes sense. I’m down the rabbit hole with Dr. Google and absolutely fearing and preparing for the very worst. What else can it be with the bone pain all over, the testicle pain, the increased urination.  I’m scared out of my wits.

Thanks for your time. 

  • Hi Rob and welcome 

    TBH a bit early to be thinking of PC although I'm not Def saying.its not .

    But it sounds like u had a lot of  exercise while on holiday so that could well be the reason for all your back pain.

    PSA can tell u a lot at this stage, if it's over 4 or 5 then MRI scan may be necessary

    But fingers crossed it's something more minor, possibly a physio can sort you out.

    Good luck


  • Hi Steve, thank you so much for the quick reply. 

    I’ll be honest, the potential has my anxiety absolutely through the roof. 

    The GP has referred me for a CBT regarding health anxiety. I hope I get the chance to use it! 

  • I understand Rob but feel you may be overthinking it and Google Def doesn't help.

    Try and get the PSA done quickly, often u can do it through your GP and come back here with the result, we may be able to put your mind at rest


  • Cheers Steve! 

    I had the PSA done today and have to call for the results on Friday! 

    The GP was trying to put my mind at ease, he seemed more concerned at what my HBAC would come back at for pre-diabetes. 

    I honestly can’t think of anything else it could be! 

  • Hello  

    Welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Cancer forum - I hope it's only a temporary membership until Friday!! Smile.

    Personal opinion - you are getting older and you are doing too much - Stop reading Dr Google, enjoy your family and chill - Friday's results will tell you you are just older and wiser!!

    Oh - if you have the NHS app with full access to your records, you will find your blood test results on there as soon as they are back - before your appointment!

    Let us know how you get on - we are here for you should the need arise, and we are a great bunch (I would say that!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you Brian, really appreciate you reaching out.

    I believe that unfortunately here in Scotland, no such App exists! It really should though! 

  • Hello  

    Ah yes, the devolved Nations and the NATIONAL Health Service App. Don't get me started!! It's just bonkers - the Apps there what's wrong with us, come on Scotland join the club - get involved!!

    So I hope all goes well Friday morning - what ever happens you are with friends here - you didn't give your age but a PSA of 4 or below is fine - 4 - 10 well - something is going on and over 10 - welcome to the club you didn't want to join!!!

    I am sure you will be fine - from what I have read I think you are just a fit guy who has overdone things - but you are right to have everything checked.

    It's a long weekend this weekend - plan something for the family to take your mind of everything and hopefully a celebration that all is well.

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • That’s the problem Brian! 

    I was 96kg standing only 5ft 2in tall. The antithesis of fit having just turned 45! 

    After 8 weeks of low carbing and frequent excercise to try and get control of a Pre-diabetic letter,  I’m now a dainty 86kg. At least I hope the low carbing and excercise is what’s caused the weight loss!

    My main issue with the PSA test was that having it sprung upon me, the 2 things the NHS website mention not to do for 48 hours before the test I had done 3 hours beforehand! Not sure how that might affect results! 

  • issue with the PSA test was that having it sprung upon me

    Look at the positive side of this: your GP is simply checking all possibilities for your aches and pains.  It would be unusual for prostate cancer to cause such a sudden onset of so many pains.  You seem to have an answer for each of the pains - I think reducing these activities/ drinks to a more proportional level may be the cure that you seek. The medical staff are just being thorough, to make sure.     AW

  • Ah - so if the results are a high PSA reading you need to come clean to the GP you have exercised and had sex (lucky boy!) in the previous 48 hours.

    A retest would be the order of the day and 48 hours of relaxation prior to the test.

    I do agree with the post from  above.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.