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  • 164 subscribers

Hi iam new on here and am just woundering if there’s any partners of men with prostate cancer on this group , My husband got diagnosed with it in nov and had his prostate out in  dec , thankfully his well and back to normal , And strangely and I don’t want to sound horrible that’s the problem. It’s like nothing has happened which is great for him but sadly iam struggling with it . And I feel ashamed to say it as his doing so well , But our relationship obviously has changed and I feel sad for thinking like this but I just can’t help it . just wounder end if there was anyone in the same boat , thank u for listening.

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the online Prostate Community. I am sorry to find you here but we are a great bunch.

    I am so sorry to read about how you feel and as you say your husband is doing well.

    We have more ladies than gents on this forum so you should have plenty of replies and I wish you well.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Nanny,

    Welcome to the is wonderful forum where you will find a lot of support.

    I am trying to understand exactly how you are feeling, and forgive me if I am wrong. It is great that he is doing well, but you say your relationship has changed, I am wondering if you mean the intimate side of it which concerns you.  You also do not say how old your husband is and maybe add to your profile some more detail, so we can help you with your feelings. Is he having treatment, for example, injections to lower the testosterone?

    If he is, there will more than likely be a change in his libido and he will probably suffer from ED. There are some great wives here who will guide you through your feelings and possibly make some suggestions. As for me, my husband is in poor health from other problems other than pc, is 79 and any intimacy in the bedroom ceased about ten years ago. 

    Let us know what your worries are, and do not worry about being as detailed as you want as we are a great bunch and don't blush easily Grinning.

    Best regards for now


  • Hello Nannyx3.

    Another wife here to welcome you to the family. As Gina has said, if you are able to let us know if there is anything in particular which you are struggling with then this might help us to help you.

    From a personal point of view the first months of diagnosis and treatment were hard for me. Everything revolved around my husband and I was on this rollercoaster of a journey for which I had no training in how to deal with it. All the fears and uncertainties reared their head of how long will we have together, how will I cope on my own and the 'me' sort of got lost in the process. The physical side of our relationship changed as well. In the end I decided to concentrate on the things I could have control over. Make more time for me and ensure that I still set time by for doing the things I enjoy. Find ways that we could do things together more. Make sure that we still have plenty of kisses and cuddles. Talk more and be open about our fears (my husband has advanced but treatable prostate cancer). Put our house in order with wills etc. Find out more about this disease so that I could understand how it affects my husband and sort out how we can arrange life around the side effects and treatment/ monitoring schedule. Mentally it can be difficult for both of us at times and we do have wobbles along the way but have learnt not to bottle them up. This forum is great because there is always someone around to sympathise and pull me back up. If you are really struggling then there is counselling available and we can point you in that direction if you need it. Very often talking things out helps and if you are near a Maggie's centre then they can be a good starting point - they are there for the whole family.

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • Waving hello.

    My hubby is laid back.

    He does not do much walking  but has trouble with walking his spine getting more crooked he has shakes and waiting for appointment with neuro taking ages I told him to chase it up but he says he get round to it

    My hubby's cancer is treatable but not curable