Met cancer

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  • 165 subscribers

After  being  clear for  five  years  I have been diagnosed  with bone  mets

  • Hi Dave1234.

    Good afternoon and welcome my friend.

    I'm very sorry to hear that you have been re diagnosed with bone mets after being clear for 5yrs.

    Yes I was diagnosed with bone mets this time last year upon diagnosis.

    I had a PSA off 1000+ at that stage and 12mnts on my PSA is down to 1.79.

    Currently I'm only on HT but I believe that I will be on chemo at some stage.

    Please come back to me if you need any further help/support???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • When  I first  got  diagnosed   I had hormone  treatment  and radiation   now  have  to  have chemotherapy  and hormone  treatment  for  rest of my life 

  • Hi Dave 1234.

    Yes since starting HT last June my PSA has dropped incredibly but it seems to be on an upward trajectory which is a little concerning.

    I have only been on HT with no Radiation as I had some of this previously to my brain and spinal cord that sent me bonkers but I believe some people say that I was bonkers beforehand!!!!!

    But yes it looks like we are going to be on a similar pathway with chemo & HT for the rest of our lives!!!!

    "Onwards and Upwards"

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hello Dave 1234,

    What is the exact treatment being proposed? I've just been diagnosed with local recurrence 8 years after HT and radiotherapy and have started triple treatment (HT, chemo and Darolutamide). Are you on a similar pathway?


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Yes exactly  the  same 

  • I had my 2nd chemo cycle a few days ago when I also started on Darolutamide. I'm doing a blog which might be informative if I'm one step in front of you, it has details of effects etc. that I am experiencing - you probably won't have the same effects but ot might be informative.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Yes  all we can do is try  and be  positive  and keep  going 

  • Hello Dave, I think this will be hard for you to come to terms with? Recurrence is something we all fear. However, there are some real positives in this. You have had 5 years of being able to just get on with life with the PC having been largely, but not quite, kicked into the long grass and unable to ‘take over’. Nobody likes the thoughts of ‘chemo or ht for the rest of life’  but the important word here is ‘life’ and NOT ‘death’. The treatment is nobody’s wish but it will prolong your life way beyond what it would have been without these newer drugs……and, who knows what newer therapies etc are coming down the track?

    I hope the treatment goes well and successfully for you !

  • And to tag on to your post WW, there is now the possibility of targeted radiotherapy to the bone mets even if you have already had it before as well as a nuclear therapy called Radium 223 which also specifically targets bone mets.

    I hope the chemo is successful  and that you don't have many side effects.

  • Thanks you  for your reisurment