Met cancer

  • 16 replies
  • 166 subscribers

After  being  clear for  five  years  I have been diagnosed  with bone  mets

    • Not sleeping  feeling  lethargic  bad  taste  steroids  not good  super  hot flushes  feeling  down 
  • Hi Dave, 

    sorry to hear things are getting you down. Mr Bw has struggled quite a lot with sleep , hot flushes and feeling low.  The hot weather doesn’t help either. I don’t know if this will help, but it’s made a huge difference to everyday life - MedroxyProgesterone Acetate, 10mg twice a day.  initially BW didn’t want to take yet another pill, but he thought he would have a go as things were really getting him down . He still has the odd hot flush, but really nothing like before . He’s also bought two small air con units that are reasonably good . One noisy and the other really quiet. It’s a bit of a joke really, I have a couple of layers on in bed and he’s laying naked with both going like a  pincer movement . Life changer nevertheless for him. He sleeps well and seems much more chipper overal for that. For me it’s like being in the back of a cold storage lorry . But if he’s happy I‘m happy . He also has a bonus of two remote controls which is right up his street. I hope you start to feel better soon .


  •   Please be aware that Provera can cause high blood sugar and is contraindicated for patients with diabetes. This also applies to Cyproterone which is the common alternative prescribed for hot flushes.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Hi  

    Good tip, we will watch out for that with the blood tests, so far everything is ticking over nicely, which makes a change from the last year and a half.

    Best wishes
