Advanced prostate cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 160 subscribers

Hi my name is Jimmy, I’m 57 years old and I was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer 

  • Hi Jimmy and a warm welcome to the forum, though sorry you have to be here  and that you have prostate cancer, Jimmy there are many guys on here with stage 4 prostate cancer including me, who have been through what you are just starting, we understand what a difficult and emotional time this is, looking for advice and answers, the uncertainty and not knowing is hard on everyone including partners and family. If you could share a few details, your PSA, Gleason score, full TNM staging and what, if any, treatment you are on, It would help us to give you better advice and answers relative to your situation and the guys with stats similar to yours will be able to share their experiences with you an offer you the best advice, take care.


  • Hi Jimmy.

    A warm welcome from a wife whose husband was diagnosed with stage 5 prostate cancer almost 4 years ago and hubby is still going strong. It is a difficult time for you at the moment learning all the terminology and treatment options. Hopefully we can help answer your questions and reassure you that life goes on and what is more you can have a good quality of life. As Eddie has said, if you can give us a little more information it will help to provide you with more targeted advice.

  • Hello Jimmy  ( )

    Another warm welcome to the online Community from me, although I am so sorry to find you here.

    As the others have said - if you can add some more details to your profile we will be better placed to help you. To do this on your home page click on the icon of the chair - top right. Then "Profile" and then "Edit" . Add your details and don't forget to press "Save".

    The more we know about your diagnosis and journey the more we can help.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Jimmy( ), sorry you have joined our club.  We have all been where you are now and this is a really bad stage for you, but I promise it will get better.  Please ask any questions you have.  Best wishes, David

  • Hi JimmyS24.

    Good evening it's great to have you on board but I am very sorry that it's under these circumstances.

    Yes I am also in the "stage 4 club" I was diagnosed this time last year with a PSA off 1000+ "wow" 

    But after receiving Hormone Therapy (tablets and injections) my PSA is now 0.9 "shocking"

    I am 58 years young and I feel a million dollars currently & I am still as active as I have ever been even though I have also suffered a Stroke in my life time "32 years old"

    Please come back to me if there's anything that I can help you with????

    Prostate Worrier.