
  • 17 replies
  • 167 subscribers


I'm new to the group and I've already found it so helpful reading posts on here.

My husband was diagnosed with stage T2 prostate cancer on 18th March. PSA 6.2 and a Gleason score of 3+4.

It was only discovered by chance because or a water infection in the New Year. He's 52. The scans indicate that the cancer is contained within 1 side of the prostrate at the moment.

It was quite a shock to get the diagnosis. We honestly thought after his pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis in September last year which has been horrendous, surely this was just a check and would come back all OK. Neither of us were prepared for it at all. 

However, he's looking at curative treatment, so that's a great positive that we're holding on to. We've told the children (8 and 12) in a way they can understand it. We were worried about them overhearing us talking and come to their own conclusions. They've handled it really well. And I think having them is helping us just to keep going as normal and focus on the positives. 

He has opted for the surgery, and is currently waiting for a date as they added him to the list. We're booked to see the nurse again next week and then the consultant again in July. The surgery isn't guaranteed to happen as they may decide it's too risky because of his pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis. They are going to have a meeting with his ILD team so I guess we'll find out more if it's going ahead or not in the coming weeks.

So that's where we are at the moment, and honestly, it feels good to be able to write this down somewhere where people understand.


  • Hi Vicky

    It sounds like your husband’s diagnosis has been picked up early which is good news. You say it’s just in one side of the prostate so I’m wondering if internal seed brachytherapy might be an alternative to surgery if you need another option.  Sorry you need to be here but it’s definitely a good place for info and support.  Xx

  • Also, has your husband had a biopsy following his scan? 

  • Yes he had a MRI and then a biopsy in early March. Then we were called in for the news.

  • Thank you for replying. It makes it feel more normal being in a group like this if you see what I mean. They did mention brachytherapy but not in any detail maybe because  the closest place he can have that is around 50 miles away. Certainly something to consider if he can't have the surgery, and thanks for reminding me about that!

  • Ok great so that backs up the mri. There are lots of knowledgeable people on this forum who will be able to help you with any questions. Sounds like you and your husband have been through a tough time lately.  It’s good that your children are taking it in their stride x

  • I totally get what you mean. It’s so helpful to have an outlet for all the thoughts racing around in your head in a place where people really listen and understand what you’re going through. I’d have been climbing the walls by now without it! X

  • I'm certainly going to be trawling through posts when I get the chance. So much information on here, it's brilliant. And that it's all first hand experiences is so useful.

  • I've just read your info - looks like your husband is doing great after the surgery! That's super news Slight smile. Side effects are such a worry with any treatment route, and everyone has such different experiences you just don't know until you get there. 

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the online Community from me although I am so sorry to find you here.

    You did think brachytherapy may be an option so I have "tagged" our Community Expert in this subject to this post  . He's been there - done that and what he doesn't know isn't worth knowing.

    I am sure he will be along soon.

    If you need anything else just give me a shout.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks @Millibob that's really helpful. It's a great community and I have no doubt I'll have loads of questions after we've had his follow up appointments Slight smile