My 88yro Father very recently diagnosed with inoperable prostate cancer and metastatic cancer in spine, pelvis, legs and other.

  • 7 replies
  • 166 subscribers

Totally unexpected diagnosis last Thursday of above.

Just looking for support and knowing we’re not alone because we feel blindsided as a family currently!

Is anyone else affected by anticipatory grief which is a real head chewer!?

Anyway enough for now as I’m trying to source practical stuff to help my Father stay mobile, safe fed, watered and pain free!

Thank you in anticipation xx

  • Hi LionelL,

    Just thought I would let you know that my husband, now 79, was diagnosed with the same as your dad. His cancer has also spread to other parts of the body, i.e. spine, pelvis, sternum etc. However, that was nearly four years ago. His initial psa was 1200 but after the first few hormone injections, it came right down to where it should be. However, three years on, it had started rising and he was been given another drug which has the same effect as the injections, i.e. to lower the testosterone, which is needed for the cancer to prosper and grow.

    My husband has many health issues but is still with us four years on. If your dad is fit and healthy he should have a few years left, and even if he isn't, like my husband, the treatments now are so much better than a few years ago and new ones are constantly becoming available. Your dad will be well into his nineties whilst his treatment is working and by that stage, I think we all have to be prepared for the inevitable. I was lucky in that my dad died at 93 and my mum at 92. Both had some form of dementia and neither really wanted to go on as the quality of their life was somewhat diminished. 

    Unfortunately, my husband's psa is now on the up again and we are waiting to speak to an Oncologist Consultant to discuss where they go from here. 

    You have come to the right place for support and you will get that in bucket loads from the great guys and gals here. 

    I wish you all the best.


  • Thank you so much xx

  • Hi .

    You are definitely not alone, but we can all empathise that the first thought is that you have an immediate death sentence. Like Gina, my husband was diagnosed at 76 with incurable prostate cancer in July 2020 and is still going strong thanks to a whole battery of treatments that are now available. The first line of treatment is either an injection which immediately stops testosterone production or tablets which stop the cancer from binding to the testosterone. This then gives time to sort out if other treatments might help. You are already looking at ways to help your Father but if you need help with anything then please ask, not only for him but also for the family members. Keeping him as active as possible is good but also use this as an opportunity to have quality time together. After a while the cancer learns to overcome the first line of hormone therapy but there are now more which might be used, along with different types of radiotherapy or chemotherapy if well enough to deal with it. Just a reminder that you also need to be checked as you are at higher risk of having it.

  • Hi LionelL, sorry to here your dad has joined our incurable club, I'm 3.5 year's in and just started chemo, and looking forward to a lot more year's yet, if you touch my icon you can read my profile.

    All the best Ulls.

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the online Community - I am so sorry to find you here.

    You have had a some cracking replies from some of our Community members so here's a bit of practical advice.

    First off here's a link to a forum where you can ask questions and receive plenty of help

    Carers only forum 

    Just click on the link and it will take you there - ask any questions should be answered by community members. Here's another forum where you may well find lot's of practical help  Again just click on the link I have provided.

    Supporting someone with incurable cancer forum  

    Secondly - there's our support line 0n 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week) please give them a ring there's plenty of help and support for all the family.

    Finally do you have a "Maggies" near you - this is a cancer support charity for all the family and they are great - to find your nearest - here's the link -

    I hope this helps - if I can do anything else for you please let me know - we are all here for you.

    Best wishes - Brain.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • thank you for the info Lionell , I shall have a look into them. take care and all the best.

  • Hi LionelL

    It's great to meet you today sorry that we have met under these circumstances!!!!!!

    Yes I became a member of this club last June 2023 when my PSA came back at 1000+.

    After treatment (Hormone Therapy) injections and tablets which I am still undertaking my PSA now stands at 0.9 which is "crazy"

    I can already see that you have already received lots of great support and advice from other members of this great group of people.

    Please please don't feel blindsided with things as you will find lots of info and help within the website and if you need any help or pointers please let us know.

    Prostate Worrier.