Pace Nodes Trial

  • 47 replies
  • 184 subscribers

Good evening. New ‘member’ here.

Brief background:

Diagnosed with localised PC last July. Gleason 4+4. 2 years HT + radiotherapy which started last week. I opted to enrol on to the Pace Trial & hence complete my radiotherapy in a couple of days.

In a strange way I find myself as worried ( possibly more so ) about the likely side effects over the next few weeks & months as I am about the actual Cancer diagnosis.

Wonder if anyone who is on this trial can share any experiences re side effects - severity, timing etc. ( I have a stricture - residue from Holep surgery 5 years ago - which means I am currently self catheterising twice weekly )

Apologies if this has been covered previously but I couldn’t locate anything.

  • Good evening NoahsArk and a warm welcome. I have attached a link to others who are on the same trial which you might find helpful.

     RE: Found you.. 

    We are a friendly bunch with sometimes a wacky sense of humour which helps on this journey. Please ask any questions and someone is bound to come along with their experiences.

  • Hi NoahsArk,

    I  completed my fifth and final session last Thursday. A few side effects started on Sunday. Yesterday visits to the loo every ten minutes  for sometimes successful pee or motion. Motion not very forthcoming at all. Mucus and faintest hint of blood. Peeing a bit of a struggle and a little sting. Due to this feeling a bit tired. Today slightly less of the same but passed a motion. Spoke to Cancer nurse who said all is normal as corse only finished recently. Due to tiredness hormone depression kicked in. Thank goodness for the mild anti depressants I am on or would be a real mess. Take care and I will keep you updated on my journey.

  • New on here myself about two hours ago. Should get the hang of it soon.Rofl

  • Thanks for sharing Roy. I calculate that you’re 6 days ahead of me - and your side effects sound a little worrying. Hopefully they will settle down quickly.

    I will update on progress as & when - good luck with your post RT journey.

    Just as a matter of interest are you able to share your diagnosis - PSA, Gleason etc.

    PS I was randomised to receive the SBRT to my prostate only & not pelvic nodes. How about you?

  • The side effects are okay. Not the best experience I the world but will survive. Can deal with the physical they hVe stuff to help if it gets to you. I was told they would lessen over the weeks to come.  I found the hormone mood swings the worst but we all react differently the same as we react to the after effects of the Radiotherapy. I got my nodes zapped as well.

    PSA 42.5  Gleason 4+3=7 PIRADS 5 Lesion likely T3a+bN0 Whatever the last one means.

  • Good luck to you as well. There are lots of us about once you get talking to people.

  • Hi Roy68.

    Glad you have found your way over here. As a prompt to both you and NoahsArk, it is helpful if you can add your basic stats of Gleason, TNM and anything else you think might be relevant as this can help give more targeted information and saves us asking the same questions if you want specific information. To do this click on the chair by your name and follow the links to the profile page.

    It's nice to see that two of you have already linked up and I am sure more will come along.

  • Here is a link if you want to understand what your staging. The good news is that N0 means that you do not have any lymph nodes involvement which can act as a superhighway for the spread of cancer cells.

    All the best with your recovery.