My husband has advanced prostate cancer that has spread into multiple lymph nodes

  • 12 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

Brand new to the group.  We're going through the toughest of times at the moment.  The hospital had a back log of results from pet scans so the consultant couldn't give us the results face to face and sent us home and called a few days later with the results.  Despite removing husband prostate in March, his PSA had risen and the cancer has spread and is contained at the moment to multiple lymph nodes (pelvis and abdominal).  Has anyone on this site had a similar experience.  We literally haven't slept for weeks with worry.  I know we're not alone and now I've joined this group I so admire your bravery and honesty and most of all support. His score is 4+3=7 and psa 3 months after prostate removal in 11.  He has now started hormone therapy.  Any experiences of similar would be gratefully appreciated as we just can't seem to find the answers.  We are seeing the Oncologist 12 August.

  • Sorry to hear about your husband I can.relate my dads sadly has terminal prostate.cancer. his spread  within 2 months and he couldn't have chemo etc all he's getting is injections once a month in his stomach he's on the first stages.of the dying process I hope u find comfort in this reply don't be afraid to private message me if u want someone to talk to... don't go three this alone sending big hugs to use both hope is stronger than fear... xxxx

  • Hello Kellymarie,

    So sorry to hear about your Dad. Try to stay strong, back at you two with the hugs. Take care x

  • Hi

    A worrying time for both of you, was radiotherapy given after his prostate was removed ? Sometimes this is done to kill off any other remaining cancer cells. We are not doctors on here just give help where we can and advice, have you spoke with McMillan nurses ? Their excellent and can tell you more than we can.

    Now support, sleep wise, if you have one of those kindle devices take it to bed, read until you literally need to sleep, I have a mobile DVD player and watch lots of films and boxed series with headphones on takes your mind off things. 
    These are early days for you both, PSA can rise after an operation and it may take time to settle, is he on any treatments like hormone tablets or injections? There are plenty of others on here who will give support and information, just keep updating. Look at a few profiles they list places you can look up on the net or phone.

    Stay safe


  • Hello 

    I have just read your post and thought I would tell you about my journey so far .I had my prostate removed in Feb 2020 I had been on active surveillance for 4 years but my PSA had started to go up very swiftly from 17 to 28 in three months .My prostate was removed but my PSA remained high at 17 my Gleason score was 4 3 with some tiertery 5  ,I was given a full PET scan which found cancer in the prostate bed and in some local lymph nodes .My consultant prescribed me Enzalutimide along with ADT to be followed six months later by 33 RT sessions at 66 guys  Well three weeks after starting on Enzalutimide my PSA was undetectable and has stayed undetectable ever since I had the RT earlier this year still undetectable PSA . Enzalutimide is a wonder drug part of the second generation anti androgens and in my case used as a first line salvage treatment whilst my cancer is still hormone sensitive.My consultant is hopeful of a cure and as things stand my PSA indicates remission . I also had bladder cancer at the same time non invasive and recently had my yearly bladder check up 4 years clear now .I thought I would reply to you because I know how horrible it is to discover that the cancer has re occurred and to feel devastated and frightened .But all is not doom and gloom and hopefully your husband will have a good result from his treatment the same way I have .There are many new treatments just about to be approved by NICE and much hope for the future .Enzalutimide is a very expensive drug £36000 a year but because of COVID NICE approved it for first line salvage treatment .Hopefully your husband will be treated as well as I have been ! 

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to post. I can't thank you enough.

    We're having a good day today and feeling optimistic. We've also changed our diets significantly hoping this will help too.

    I'll update you as soon as we have more info about his treatment.

    Once again, thank you for your kindness. 

  • You are welcome ,keep us up to date with the treatment your husband is offered .Its scary and very worrying but new  treatments are coming online all the time .I'm glad to hear your having a good day today hopefully followed by many many more .

  • Hi Kelly Marie. My hatband has advanced prostrate cancer too. All medications given are now not working including his monthly hormone injection, which actually makes him feel very unwell. His PSA has risen very quickly and is now at 120. My husband is in severe pain, can’t walk properly and we have to see his consultant next Thursday to see about possible chemo again - if he’s well enough they said. 

    when you say your dad is in first stages of dying, what symptoms does he have? I think my husband maybe at that stage too but I’m too scared to ask x 

  • Hi

    Good to know there’s good days for your partner, well done on the diet change pomegranate juice is a plus for drinking, fish, white meat, whole meal bread, cut down on the sugars, but remember this is not set in stone, you deserve a treat now and then, just enjoy the good things in life.

    Stay safe


  • He is very yellow and very tired... his memory has gone... keeps repeating himself... he is riddled in pain.. my dads the same when he gets.his stomache injection he is poorly for days sore belly can't bend etc... there' it than this thou but these r just some xx