RP tummy incisions

  • 3 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Anyone else out there, with potentially a bit of chubbiness on their tummies, end up with a second belly button after surgery? The main cut above my belly button is healing fine (2 weeks now) but is pulled in quite a bit, making a noticeable belly button like dent. Not painful, just looks a bit odd. Does this settle over time?  

  • Fingers crossed Fingers crossed.

    There has to be someone with similar circumstances!!

    There was no potential chubbiness with me, once I started on the hormones 'Whoosh!!!'. Like an inflatable ring.  I could have changed my name to 'Michelin'.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • The surgeon told me wife I was a chubby bleeder when I came out of theatre! He was a very literal man! After a week the wound on my left flank appeared to have torn through one stitch, leaving a small gape. I had some steri strips handy so tightened it up. It healed but left some puckering. 8 months on it is indiscernible from the others. The body adjusts during healing. 

  • I've never been called a chubby bleeder before... Lots of other names!

    With me being on blood thinners I'd be a bleeding bleeder!

    The worst part is the actual healing when the stitches haven't quite healed.

    Steve (SteveCam)