Biopsy delay

  • 2 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Good afternoon to this magnificent community.

I'm a bit worried about how long it's going to be before I get my next set of biopsy results. I saw my GP back in early January as my PSA was up to 6.3, was referred for a scan, then a biopsy a few weeks ago.

I saw the consultant nurse Friday who said some Gleeson 3 cancer was present, but a second biopsy was needed from a lesion visible on the scan (about 20mm) that had come back as inconclusive. She said the cancer was contained within the prostate and there was no sign of spread outside.

Due to logistics (a holiday coming up) I can't now get my second biopsy until mid May. Apparently I can't have the biopsy four weeks either side of a long-haul trip. That means it'll have been five months from first meeting to the second biopsy. It seems an awfully long time away.

I'm worried that this is a lot of lost time before any treatment or final diagnosis and that I'm at risk of the cancer spreading due to the delay. Am I worrying unnecessarily?

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.


  • Hi AD

    I would say the main thing here is to check exactly where the tumour is in the  gland.

    20mm is fairly big so important to know that not near the capsule edge.

    Other than that PSA not high and if a Gleeson 3 then looks ok although I realise that the Gleeson is not for sure as u are having another biopsy



  • Hello Anxiousdad,

    I'm sure there will be other more experienced members who will be along shortly with their thoughts, but for what they are worth, here are a few of mine that might help your thought process.

    Give the consultant nurse a call & ask her for her thoughts on the risk in delaying

    PC is slow growing 

    As Grundo has mentioned, your PSA isn't high & Gleason 3 is ok, but the tumour is an unknown at present

    Are you a worrier?  If the 2nd biopsy is delayed due to your trip, are you going to spend the whole time worrying. 

    Is it feasible to postpone your trip for a few weeks so that you can have the biopsy beforehand?

    Best Wishes
