Body Odour - I hope you don't mind me asking

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There is something I wished someone had told us before my husband started down the triplet treatment path, and I never thought I'd miss this. His smell. I think once he started the hormone treatment, and the testosterone was switched off, he stopped emitting the pheromones that I've come to know and love so much though our marriage. What makes it worse is that around the time of the first injection I had a terrible cold and was bunged up. With chemo on the horizon, I didn't want to add to his woes by passing on the cold and I couldn't enjoy his personal musky scent. If only I had known how much I'd miss this aspect of our intimacy I would have keep one of his slightly-sweaty, worn tee-shirts in a sealed bag to have the occasional sniff from!

I happened to mention this to a friend (she's successfully completed chemo for bowel cancer), and she admitted for her it was worse - she hadn't liked the way she'd smelt, and had struggled to live with it. She had taken more showers, changed her clothes twice or three-times a day, and upped the dose of fabric conditioner in her washing-machine - to the point her seven-year-old had asked her NOT to put perfume on his clothes! Her partner didn't seem aware of any problem, so it may have been her sensitivity. She's over it now, and back to normal. 

Has anyone else noticed this change of personal aroma - in yourself or in your partner - or are you willing to admit it?


  • Good morning  . This topic came up on the forum a little while ago and yes you are correct. This is the reply I posted then.

    Those on the forum who know me will understand that the nerd needed to find out. From a quick deIve I can see that there are 2 mechanisms linked to changes in testosterone level. One is to do with your olfactory system which seems to mean that your sense of smell is less acute. The other is to do with what you secrete - Chemical compounds found in testosterone, like androstenol, are excreted with your sweat and contribute to that musky man-scent so castrasted men pong less. I also have a memory that dogs can be trained to pick up the scent associated with certain cancers at a lower level than normal tests so there is possibly another mechanism involved.

  •   before having HT I would shower and needed to apply a deodorant, since HT no deodorant necessary.  David