Travel Insurance questions related to Prostate Cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Wonder if anyone else here can answer my question regarding Travel insurance with pre-existing condition of Prostate Cancer please. I have just had LDR Brachytherapy implant for my prostate cancer and I'm torn with how to answer the questions on 'Have you had any cancer treatment for this condition' on the insurance companies websites:

1. Yes, and all cancer treatments have been completed

2. Yes, but treatment is still ongoing or treatment is planned.

When I asked the Nurse Specialists about this they said my treatment has been completed, even though the LDR Brachytherapy implants will be working for at least 6 to 9 months. So I'm torn between options 1 & 2 and don't want to provide inaccurate information. Not planning to travel abroad until August/September but things may change and we have already booked flights. Can anyone offer any advice on this or have experienced before? I spoke to Insurancewith and they said they couldn't cover right now because I had my treatment within 4 weeks and that I could callback in about a month and continue the Q&A which includes 4-12 weeks or >12 weeks. Phew! ....

Many thanks, Mike

  • Hello Mike ( 

    Good question. I am with Insurancwith - we have an joint annual worldwide policy. (Mrs M has issues - health ones!!).

    Every time I have a PSA test or something changes I telephone them and update where I am on my journey. 

    When I started to get a quote I gave up filling in the online forms and ring the Company and do the quote form by answering the questions with a human being!! i have found this works best and they get the information they need - if they are unsure they ask more questions.

    Personal opinion, leave it until say June and ring them back then when you know everything is working and you will have new (lower) PSA figures.

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Thanks for quick response Brian. You're right, it is probably best to talk to a human being which is why I called Insurancewith this morrning.  was hoping to get a policy running sooner as we have already booked flights and would like them covered should we have to cancel for any pre-existing condition later on. Online info suggests Brachytherapy implant is considered 'ongoing' in the sense the seeds continue to work on the cancer cells BUT the active procedure is completed!! I'll most likely wait about 4 weeks and try again.

  • Good Afternoon Mike ( 

    I think you are with the correct Company for your condition. I have been with them for 3 years now and I am fine with them - there is a special thread for travel insurance and here's the link

    Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    Personal opinion - if you are happy - stick with what you have - but you can still do some "window shopping"

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.