4.00 A M : PROSTATE CANCER - AWAKE IN THE WEE (no pun intended) HOURS.

  • 49 replies
  • 116 subscribers

As many on the group suffer from either insomnia or nocturia Community member  has suggested a new thread where anyone awake can chat or record their thoughts at this time of night (or during the day). Let's give it a go and see. Feel free to chat about cancer, your support or anything that's on your mind at the time. (Please be aware of the Community Guidelines).

This thread isn't a replacement for the "No Specific Topic" thread and I would like to think both threads will work independently. Ladies and gentlemen the thread is yours.

Brian - Online Community Champion.

  • I could have done with this last night as I was prowling around from 2 o'clock and stressing about today's meeting with the GG. Knackered now.

  • Ah - I have seen your other post and fully understand why now. I am sure the Greek God will pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat.

    Kind regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Brian - actually it  was an intended pun!!!! :) But thanks for taking up my suggestion. I can now 'natter away' in the wee hours but - knowing that - I might just sleep like a baby (here's hoping !!!!) Yesterday and WEdnesday was breakfast at about 4 am. Today was 6.30 - does that class as oversleeping?!!!

  • Hello  

    Yes I know about the pun - but it sounds good! Wink. I do tend to see 4.00 am but usually only for 90 seconds or so - I do go back to sleep. 

    BC (Before Cancer) every day without fail I woke between 6 and 6.15 am and shot out of bed, dressed, breakfast and working before 7.00.

    AD (After Diagnosis) it's between 7.30 and 9 am - I don't rush and waking up to opening the office door takes about an hour. 

    Is that old age or another side effect of HT?

    Kind regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • I order my recent past by before and after Covid and ‘during the lock downs’. I was at a meeting yesterday when somebody else did this nd then several others said they also do. Shows us what an impact these ‘life jolts’ have on us! 
    I dared not answer the question you ask! If I plump for old age you might put me on the ‘naught step’ :) ( even thought that is where the problem lies !!!!)

  • Hi  &  & 

    we have not had a full sleep since diagnosis . So any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.

    our routine is going to bed and getting up  a few hours later drinking tea or something stronger and watching tv . 

    Liz & OH xxxx

  • See you at 4 am!!!!

  • I'm 2 hours ahead of you so I will try and not wake you up early!!!

  • I suffered insomnia my doctor prescribed me mirtazapine that I take before going to bed. This helps with sleep and mood/ depression.I also purchased a urine bottle so I can have a little wee without fully getting up at night as I need it little and often. Saves me fully waking up as I can lay back down and go back to sleep. I found once awake fully very hard to get back to sleep. I still need TV on to get to sleep I watch the same films over and over again. I find it relaxing just to shut my eyes and listen to the TV remembering what’s happening.I hope this helps

  • I'm sleeping ok, unfortunately for the last 3 weeks, sat up, due to chest pains, which are thankfully easing, so will try the bed tonight, my bottom will be happy.
